Dear all,
Thank you for your support. Here is the update for I want to keep you posted.
#9 Service
Hai Hsia is posting an ad in SJCCC Weekly in order to find out what services are needed by members in our community. This ad will run for a period of time so that the message is conveyed to as many as possible. The idea behind this ad is that needs should be identified by the community, not by the few in Passion Team. Once needs are identified, volunteers will be recruited to address those needs.
#10 Outreach
This is being re-evaluated at this time.
#11 Evangelization
Northwest Region will hold its 2nd monthly meeting to review status of its mission after our faith sharing this Friday. We are in communication with sister communities in Fremont and San Mateo to see how we can work together. 華人工商大展 will be held on June 16 & 17 in San Mateo. Hopefully we will be present with whatever the preparation we've got to date. We'd like to stay focused on this mission initially.
Note 1: Per SJCCC Chairperson's request, coordinators of each of the 4 main areas will report status in Council meeting on June 14.
Note 2: Some of you have concerns that I don't know how to elaborate here. Since we are all volunteers, personal decisions are fully respected. To do or not to do? As long as your decision draws you closer to Jesus and His peace, it is the right one, in my humble opinion.
Send me an email or give me a buzz whenever you got some feedback. I want to learn from each one of you.
Let's have some fun in Christ.
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