Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fr. Poon's 50th Anniversary of Ordination in Salesian Order (3/3/12)

3月3日祈禱會 (3/3/12) from 7:40 to 9:30pm at St. Joseph Fremont church.
7:40pm-8:00pm     玫瑰經祈禱 (麗萍, 文顥,雪萍, 建國, 敏憲)
8:00pm-8:05pm     恭迎聖体 (贖世羔羊)
8:05pm-8:20pm     1. 讚美之泉
                                  2. 主永活在我心
                                  3. 這一生最美的祝福
                                  4. 請求瑪利亞
                                  5. 阿爸父
8:20pm-8:35pm     聖言 (珮玲)
                                  遭受迫害的基督徒,願聖神恩賜堅忍到底之力, 給那些為基督而遭歧視,
                                  迫害或死亡的基督徒, 尤其是在亞洲.
                                 1. 最大的事
                                 2. 一生愛禰
8:35pm-8:50pm     代禱 (美)
                                 1. 那雙看不見的手 (227)
8:50pm-9:00pm     聖体降福 (皇皇聖体, 感謝天主聖三)
9:00pm-9:25pm     心靈分享 (潘大年神父晉鐸50週年)
                                 1. 漁人的漁夫
                                 2. 傳承
9:25pm-9:30pm     互助平安
                                 1.我以主的慈愛真心愛你 (61)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

SJCCC eNews: 2/26/12 - First Sunday of Lent

Dear brothers and sisters of SJCCC, Here are highlights of this week at http://www.sjccc.org:
See SJCCC.org website for other news and resources including:

Friday, February 24, 2012

Lenten Prayer

今年的七月我們(聖荷西華人天主教會)將會轉型為”MISSION”, 這是愛我們的主藉著聖荷西主教對我們的團體的召叫,是主的交托、是主的祝福、也是主為我們所制定的一天;在那一日祂將邀請我們赴祂的宴會,親自帶我們走上 一個新的里程碑。今年的四旬期,為了裝備我們自己好好的答覆這交托,更敏銳的領受這祝福,並在主所預定的那一天整裝赴宴;讓我們每一位跟祂走入更深的闗 係,日日走在福音的光中,去品嚐福音的能力和魅力,並喜不自禁的把這好消息傳出去。四旬期退省(三月十七日),陶成阻特別 5531;到了翟神父為我們闡述『聖架七言』,在那裡我們能再一次認識那在愛中召叫我們的主一生的寫照,在祂生命態度的光照中再度省視我們的生命,而以謙虛及依靠的心,與宗徒一齊說:『主啊,祢知道我是愛祢的,請讓我跟隨祢。』
為了讓我們更能經驗到我們是一個團體,天主對我們的這個召叫是在這個具體的團體中,除了翟神父主領的退省外,在四旬期中每個星期的彌撒後我們預備了ㄧ個團體性的祈禱;如同我們的頭:耶穌基督以不同面貌顯示給我們,四旬期中每個星期彌撒後的團體祈禱也會以不同面貌召喚我們去經驗教會豐富的生命:公唸玫瑰經、靜觀玫瑰經、明供聖体、泰澤祈禱、公拜 苦路……。
·         Novena 九日敬禮 2 (3/5 – 3/13): 為新成立的傳教區更能顯揚天主的名。
·         週日彌撒後 4:30pm: 靜觀默想玫瑰經文(3/4)、明供聖体(3/11)、泰澤祈禱(3/18)、公拜苦路(3/25)
·         網上避靜
o   Sacred Space (神聖空間): www.sacredspace.ie (中英文都有) Lenten Prayer Calendar

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Invitation to Margaret Wu Funeral

請參加吳常禮女士(聶阿姨的長媳) (Margaret Chang-Li Wu )的殯葬彌撒, 並為她的靈魂和家人的平安祈禱. 謝謝!

Date: Monday, 2/27/2012
Time: 8:30 AM-- Viewing
          8: 45 AM--9:05—Rosary (Continue Viewing)
          9:10 AM—Mass (主祭顧光中 神父,共祭─歐維禮 神父)

Location: Saint Clare Parish -
 941 Lexington St, Santa Clara, CA 95050

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Walking into Lenten Season - Ash Wednesday

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
普世教會今日進入四旬封齋期. SJCCC 聖灰瞻禮彌撒將於今日7:30PM 在樓上教堂舉行.
Welcome to Lenten season today.  SJCCC's Ash Wednesday Mass will be held at 7:30PM at upper church.
Liturgy Team

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lentent prayers, Holy City Web Edition

Dear brothers and sisters of SJCCC, Here are highlights of this week at http://www.sjccc.org:
See SJCCC.org website for other news and resources including:

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Letter from SJCCC PC to the Community about new members for PC

Dear brothers and sister of SJCCC,

It is only a few days before the beginning of Lent, it is important at this time to keep all of you updated on the steps that we are doing to prepare our community for the canonical status of Mission.

As you may have realized, "to establish and strengthen our Finance and Pastoral Councils" has been one of the most important recommendations that we have received from our Bishop. This is the reason why in the monthly meeting of January, we've decided to nominate one more member to support each of the Councils: Kenneth Wang for the Finance Council, and James Hua for the Pastoral Council.

We realized that to begin planning for the work to set up our "Mission", according to the guidelines of DSJ, we need between three to five more members in our Pastoral Council, to reach total of eight members, if possible. This addition is essential in an effective transition of the Pastoral Council from the Chair board's operational role to a more "strategic and planning role".

After thinking and praying about these issues, we have considered that would be great if the Main Group Leaders of the community could suggest some potential candidates that will go through a discernment process of selection to find new members for the Pastoral Council.

Following our request during our last monthly meeting on February 15th, we received from the Main Group Leaders of the community twenty five names of potential candidates. We have already begun to communicate with them, and we are waiting for their answers on whether they feel called to participate in a prayerful discernment process on February 25th.

We recognize that an ideal discernment and selection process would need more time and with a broader participation of the community, this is what we want to do next time, but we realized that right now we are in transition, still learning about our new situation, and at the same time in need to move quickly to setup our Mission in a short period of time, for these reasons we believe that this approach is the best option for the good of our community at this time.

We have made clear to our potential candidates that the positions of the Pastoral Council are very different from the Chair Board that we use to have before. The main functions of the Pastoral Council are to envision the mission of the community, to establish long-term plans, to advice the priest in the pastoral life, and to be the voice of the community. Together with the assigned priest, the Pastoral Council will strive to make real the ideals of the Gospel in our Chinese Catholic Community.

We have also made clear that this is not an election where the selected are the ones who have more votes, but a "process of discernment" in a prayerful meeting.

We sincerely ask for prayers from all of you for the intentions of our Community, particularly during this Holy Season of Lent. In the following days, we will suggest some possible spiritual strategies to get the best spiritual fruits from the forty Lenten days that bring us to the joys of Easter.

God bless!

Fr. Olivera and SJCCC Pastoral Council (Louis AnPung, Simon Liao and James Hua)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

SJCCC: eNews 2/12/2012

Dear brothers and sisters of SJCCC, Here are highlights of this week at http://www.sjccc.org:
See SJCCC.org website for other news and resources including:

Monday, February 6, 2012

Tips to reduce photo size for uploads

I usually use Photoshop Element to process photos, but it's not a free software. I also have a free photo editor: Photoscape, which you can download from the internet.

I tried the following procedure with Photoscape to save jpeg files to smaller jpeg files:
  1. Start Photoscape
  2. Click Batch Editor
  3. Select the photos that you want to downsize and move them to the main panel. (You shall see the file names listed on the top panel.)
  4. Do not change anything (unless you want to do more editing) and click "Convert All"
  5. Set where and in what names the new files will be saved, select JPEG Quality (70 is still adequate for web viewing), and click "Save".
[Thanks to Shingmin for the tip!]

Sunday, February 5, 2012

SJCCC: eNews 2/5/2012

Dear brothers and sisters of SJCCC,
Here will be Chinese New Year Celebration at St Joseph of Cupertino at 11am today, please join the celebration!  Also, please don't forget, Fr. Mariani will be introducing his new book "Church Militant" to us after Mass Today. Here are highlights of this week at http://www.sjccc.org:
See SJCCC.org website for other news and resources including: