Sunday, January 29, 2012

SJCCC: eNews 1/29/2012

Dear brothers and sisters of SJCCC, Here are highlights of this week at
See website for other news and resources including:

Friday, January 27, 2012

Reminder: Seminar on Evangelization Saturday 1/28: 2-5pm

我們請到在灣區訪問的Grace Huang 黃惠敏福傳師 在1/28星期六下午2-5點在樓下教堂為我們開一個福傳講座,分享她的專業與經驗.
我們常聽到艾立勤神父談華人福傳, 等待了三年, 黃惠敏福傳師終將到灣區訪問,會為我們有系統地分享她的福傳專業與經驗. 機會難得,切勿錯過!!! 歡迎邀請對福傳有興趣的朋友們一起來參加.
黃惠敏福傳師四年前從輔大神學院教義系福傳組畢業,擁有福傳碩士學位,也是第一屆的畢業生與福傳師. 過去四年在華人福傳基金會的台北及台中福傳中心全職工作,帶動所服務堂區的福傳氣氛, 最近二年之內帶領80人領洗.
1. 時間: 1/28/2012 (六) 下午 2 - 5pm
地點: St. Clare Church 樓下教堂
* 如何福傳?福傳方法 (大型福傳活動的成功要訣)
* 如何找到慕道者?如何保留慕道者? (福傳對象的召募與牧養關懷)
* 如何經營慕道班?如何牧養關懷慕道者? (慕道班與慕道者牧養關懷)
* 護理中心福傳(生病.與年長者的福傳)
* 如何組織經營『101福傳祈禱團體』(福傳基信團的重要性)
2. 有些朋友們無法參加1/28工作坊,黃惠敏福傳師還有一個公開的聚會,將在Fremont與教友們見面,聊聊她的工作,回答大家的問題。

時間: 1/29/2012 (日) 上午 10:30am-1:00pm
地點:孫文琳、張綿英 家

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Greetings, thanksgiving and pictures!

Dear brothers and sisters:
Happy Chinese New Year to you and your family!  What a wonderful celebration we had on Sunday.  It was particularly special that people from the local community also joined us in our display of Chinese arts and crafts.  Thanks to Teresa Lai, Sophia Chen, all the school teachers, parents, and children for the vibrant and joyful cultural presentation!  Retaining the Chinese culture and tradition are important for our families and for our mission. (See pictures:

Thanks so much to Lucy, Maria Shao, Alan Hsia and our remarkable choir and Watermark worship teams. Thanks to Angie, Tien-Chia and all the liturgical groups, what a wonderful collaboration with the Cantonese team to have a trilingual Mass that integrates the New Year and Ancestry Remembrance tradition gracefully into the Liturgy. (See pictures:

The Reception and dinner banquets were such a fun celebration!  120 people came to the banquet this year.  What a great way to spend the New Year's eve together as a family!  Thanks to James and Margarita to help us to create a rejoicing family spirit until the end.  (See reception pictures: and banquet pictures:

During the day, the leadership team and the Planning Task Force presented an update to our Bishop McGrath.  He was very encouraging with all the progress we have made moving forward to become a Mission. He confirmed his presence with us in July and will keep us in his prayers.  The two important things he asked us to keep in mind are the evangelization to the Chinese people in the Santa Clara county, and to continue engaging the young people.  To that goal, we have a special event this Saturday with Grace Huang, from Taiwan, who brought 80 people to Catholic faith in the last two years. (

Finally, I want to thank Simon for his leadership of the Chinese New Year and Louis for the Christmas celebrations. They and their families have worked hard and made possible these activities that bring us together as a family.  The strong participation of CM for Christmas and Chinese school for the Chinese New Year shows the importance of these ministries to our community.

Thanks so much to all of you!
Happy New Year, with the peace of God in our hearts!
Fr. Olivera

PS, Please thank George and Shing-Ming for taking all the pictures and Xiuli for setting up the web pages so we can see them. Thank to Tony and Wendar and thanks to many others friends that in silence make this celebration so amazing. Please enjoy these pictures of our Chinese New Year celebration and share with your friends!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year!

Dear brothers and sisters of SJCCC, Happy Chinese New Year!

Here are highlights of this week at
See website for other news and resources including:

Friday, January 20, 2012

Reminder: Chinese New Year event 1/22/2011

1月22日(主日) 中國新年賀年活动与新年彌撒/祭祖. 聖荷西主教 McGrath 將來主礼

1點-2點30分:  在Parish Hall有中國傳統工藝製做展覽和美食品嚐 請參閱 活動單張

3點:  中國新年彌撒和祭祖  聖荷西主教 McGrath 主礼
4點半:  彌撒後在Parish Hall 有茶點招待, 主教会為小朋友們發紅包
6點:  已经报名的弟兄姐妹妹请凖时到狀元樓和主教与神父們享用年夜飯.

1. Please bring potted flowers to Church on 1/21/2012 Sat. 1pm to 3 pm for decoration

2. On Sunday 1/22, please wear Chinese tradition clothes 增点过年气氛

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New Book -- Church Militant 2/5/2012

Date: Sunday, February 5, 2012
Time: 4:15 - 5:30 PM
Location: St. Clare Parish
Topic: Cardinal Ignatius Kung Pinmei and the Catholic Church in China From the 1950s to Today. Click here for pdf version flyer.

Free and open to the public! 
Refreshments will be provided afterwards.

主講人:Professor Paul Mariani, S.J. Assistant Professor in the History Department at Santa Clara and author of Church Militant: Bishop Kung and Catholic Resistance in Communist Shanghai (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2011) will share his recent research on the Roman Catholic Church resistance in Communist China.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Reminder: Chinese New Year event 1/22/2011

1月22日(主日) 中國新年賀年活动与新年彌撒/祭祖. 荷西主教 McGrath 將來主礼

下午1點-2點30分:  在Parish Hall有中國傳統工藝製做展覽和美食品嚐 請參閱
3點:  中國新年彌撒和祭祖  
荷西主教 McGrath 主礼
4點半:  彌撒後在Parish Hall 有茶點招待, 主教会為小朋友們發紅包
6點:  在狀元樓和主教
神父們及SJCCC 弟兄姐妹一起享用年夜飯, 歡迎您闔府參加:
        請把握最後機會在 1/20 前,找廖焕中 Simon Liao (510)656-2889 訂位:每人 $15

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Chinese New Year Celebrations

Dear brothers and sisters of SJCCC, Here are highlights of this week at
See website for other news and resources including:

Sunday, January 8, 2012

SJCCC: Epiphany of the Lord!

Dear brothers and sisters of SJCCC, Here are highlights of this week at
See website for other news and resources including:

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Letter from Bishop McGrath

Dear Members of SJCCC

During the last six months we have been praying and working together following the directions of our Bishop on his letter of July 1st, 2011, with the goal of a more recognizable Catholic structure for our community.

A particular time of grace was the Workshop with Fr. Brendan the last November 12th where we received the answer to many of our questions; cherished together our past and projected our ideals for our future. As a fruit of this workshop we began to collect the different voices and recommendations from our community to be presented to our Bishop.

This is how I was able to send a letter to Bishop McGrath on December 16th providing him a summary of our work during the last six months and an outline of our recommendations. To give him more reference, I attached to my letter the Power Point presentation that was discussed in our last monthly leaders meeting of December. You will get all this material online in our web page.

Yesterday afternoon, January 2nd , I have received the answer of Bishop McGrath in a letter that you will find attached to this email. I think that this is an excellent news for all of us and the mature fruit of twenty eight years of sacrifice and apostolic presence of our community in the Diocese of San Jose. 

During the following weeks I will be working together with our Interim Pastoral Council as well as with our Planning Task Force for future steps, we will keep you updated. God bless!

Fr. Olivera

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy and blessed 2012!

Dear brothers and sisters of SJCCC,
May "the LORD bless you and keep you! The LORD let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace!" (Numbers 6:24-26)
願上主祝福你,保護你;願上主的慈顏光照你,仁慈待你.願上主轉面垂顧你,賜你平安. (戶六24~26)
Here are highlights of this week at
See website for other news and resources including: