Dear brothers and sisters,
Praise and thank God that for the Priesthood Sunday! May God bless all the priests around the world, especially the priests who have served in our community. May God also continue to call on young people to be his servants.
Please register for all the upcoming spiritual seminars and retreats online, especially 疏效平弟兄屬靈饗宴 and SJCCC 將臨期避靜.
Here are highlights of this week at
Praise and thank God that for the Priesthood Sunday! May God bless all the priests around the world, especially the priests who have served in our community. May God also continue to call on young people to be his servants.
Please register for all the upcoming spiritual seminars and retreats online, especially 疏效平弟兄屬靈饗宴 and SJCCC 將臨期避靜.
Here are highlights of this week at
- Reminders: 諸聖瞻禮中文彌撒 All Saints Day Mass Tue 11/01 at 7:30PM; Daylight Saving Ends 11/06/2011
- 11/20: Fr. Siu Celebration 十一月為蕭見忠神父加入耶穌會三十週年紀念。神父謹定於 11/20 在 St. Clare Church 主日1:30pm粵語彌撒聖祭當中發永願。粵語組亦將於當晚六時假座 五月花 舉行晚宴為神父慶祝。歡迎踴躍參加。
- Upcoming Seminars & Retreats:
- 11/4-11/5 Spiritual Seminar: 疏效平弟兄屬靈饗宴:天裂開了,聖神有如鴿子降在他上面。(谷一10)
- 11/6 Roman Missal Workshop: The New Roman Missal (3rd edition) will be implemented in the United States of America on the First Sunday of Advent English Workshop.
- 11/12 Community Workshop with Fr. Brendan: 我們的教會,天主的教會 Our Church, God's Church
- 11/13 羅馬彌撒經書: 中文講習會 第三版《羅馬彌撒經書》英文譯本將於2011年11月27日將臨期第一主日在美國各教區開始正式啟用。感謝天主!
- 11/12 一日退省: 主臨我心:愛的召叫 姜有國神父 9-5PM Guadalupe Church, Fremont.
- 11/16 信仰講座: 在生活的點滴中遇見主:姜有國神父 7-10PM SJCCC Parish Hall
- 11/17 信仰講座: 生命的復甦划到深處:姜有國神父 4-10PM Club House of Regency Park
- 11/18-11/20 SJCCC 將臨期避靜 Advent Retreat: 生命的復甦:姜有國神父
- 11/18-11/19 Formation Conference: Faith Go! Glorify the Lord by your Life!
- 12/3 中半島將臨期避靜: Fr. Peter Zhai 翟林湧神父
- 12/4 生活實用:汽車焦點話題 4-6:30PM
- Picture Album: 團體相簿
Party(New)甘國楝神父 10/22 聖詠團派遣禮
- 本周更新: 彌撒經文釋義, 信友禱辭..
- Multimedia: (BETA) Sample MP3 Seek Ye First (/9/18) and 主永活在我心 (9/25); Google Voice Setup Instruction (中文學校).
- Calendars:聯合彌撒 Union Mass, 聖心學校月曆, 成人慕道班 課程表
- Holy City Magazine 274: 《聖城通訊》第274期
- Feedback 反饋意見.
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community