What a blessed Rite of Acceptance as we begin this week! Praise God for the letter from Fr. Olivera to the Community (歐神父致SJCCC全體成員書).
Here are other highlights of this week at http://www.sjccc.org:
- Prayer: 聖女小德蘭九日敬禮為福傳工作祈禱
- Roman Missal Workshop: The New Roman Missal (3rd edition) will be implemented in the United States of America on the First Sunday of Advent 11/6 English Workshop. 11/13 中文講習會第三版《羅馬彌撒經書》英文譯本將於2011年11月27日將臨期第一主日在美國各教區開始正式啟用。感謝天主!
- Spiritual Seminars: 疏效平弟兄屬靈饗宴:天裂開了,聖神有如鴿子降在他上面。(谷一10) - 11/4,5/2011 and Faith Formation Conference:Go! Glorify the Lord by your Life! - 11/18,19/2011
- Picture Album: 團體相簿
收錄禮 9/25 (New)聖心學校教師
派遣禮 9/18 (New)Watermark 查經
Potluck & Watermark
Parents (9/17)聖心中文學校
家長會 9/11
- 本周更新: 彌撒經文釋義, 林思川神父彌撒證道 MP3.
- Multimedia: (BETA) Sample MP3 Seek Ye First (/9/18) and 主永活在我心 (/9/25); Google Voice Setup Instruction (中文學校). (Feedback 反饋意見)
- Calendars:聯合彌撒 Union Mass, 聖心學校月曆, 成人慕道班 課程表
- Holy City Magazine 274: 《聖城通訊》第274期 文章摘讀: 「鬧市中的黑暗」讀書分享 周堅維等七人; St. Augustine of Hippo 略傳 編輯組.
- Feedback 反饋意見.
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community