Praise and thank God for a very blessed Servants Retreat and joyful Family Camp Reunion. LOTS of new pictures this week! As Father Ho encouraged us today, may God bless and lead us to be more 'useful person instead of a successful person' from God's eyes. Here are the highlights of this week at
- Saturday 8/6: 明供聖體 Holy Hour and Watermark Praise Night
- Sunday 8/7: China Mission Update from Sr. Evelyn Wong and Sr. Jeanette Kong, 30 min presentation and Q&A after Mass. Light Dinner will be served.
- 成人慕道班: RCIA starts on 8/14! 2011-2012 招生通知. Please pray and invite!
- Kids For Christ: KFC 2011 on August 20. Please register and help!
- Prayer Request: Please pray for 中國教會 China Church.
- Activities: 中半島華人天主教會十週年慶 (8/13), and Pilgrimage with Fr. George in 11/2011.
- Picture Album 團體相簿:
Family Camp
Reunion (NEW)Servants Retreat
同工避靜7/30 (NEW)KFC
Promotion (NEW)何正言神父(內湖)
- 本周更新: This week's 彌撒經文釋義, 信友禱詞, and 林思川神父彌撒證道 MP3.
- 聯合彌撒: Union Mass 8/14.
- Sacred Heart School Registration: 聖心學校/新學年申請註冊.
- 聖神同禱會: 同禱會暑期暫停, 九月十日起繼續每月兩次聚會.
- 神修資訊: 疏效平弟兄講習會: 7/2011 MP3, 4/2011 MP3. 明恭聖體研討會 7/2011 PDF, 四旬期避靜/逾越的喜樂:相遇基督/姜有國神父 (ppt), 家庭生活講座/安樂人生/艾立勤神父 (ppt) and 『救恩的故事』 CD.
- Other Announcements: 財務報告 (May Financial Report), and Feedback 反饋意見.
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community