基督聖體聖血節彌撒後 (6-26-11),SJCCC 主席錦榮突然宣佈即刻辭去主席的職位。主席團尊重錦榮的決定,
祈求天主賜恩,願我們在基督奧體內,各展所能, 同心協力,共創主業 。
Dear SJCCC brothers/sisters,
In last Sunday (6/26/11) After Mass Announcement, SJCCC Chairman Kam made the announcement that he has resigned from the Chairman position and effective immediately. The Chairboard respects Kam's decision and on behalf of all SJCCC brothers/sisters would like to express our sincere appreciation of all the dedication and hard work that Kam has offered in the past year. We look forward to Kam's continuing support.
The Chairboard also want to assure to all SJCCC brothers/sisters that all the administrative operations remain the same. The remaining Chairboard of three Vice Chairpersons will assume all responsibilities to ensure all predetermined events and schedules will continue as originally planned. If you have any questions/comments/proposals, please feel free to contact the Chairboard. Thank you for your understanding and support.
SJCCC Chairboard
An Pung, Lisa (currently traveling), and Simon