Dear brothers and sisters,
Our Lord has risen! Praise God for a very blessed Family Camp! Here are the highlights at
May God bless you and your family with love and joy,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community
Our Lord has risen! Praise God for a very blessed Family Camp! Here are the highlights at
- Grace Night: 每年一度的 愛之夜 Grace Night (6/11), please pray for this event and come with friends!
- China EV Mission: Sr. Jeanette and Evelyn of Verbum Dei Missionary Fraternity in San Francisco (6/5). 主言會修女Jeanette 及 Evelyn 非常感謝SJCCC的支持. 她們將於六月五日彌撒後在North Hall和大家分享她們在中國傳教的事工,歡迎大家參加.
- Faith Sharing: 疏效平弟兄屬靈饗宴: 7/8-9 聖言成了血肉,寄居在我們中間
- Sacred Heart School Registration: 聖心學校/新學年申請註冊.
- St Clare Summer Festival: 夏季義賣中國食物慕款活動 (6/4) please support.
- Picture Album 團體相簿:
Potluck "Wrap"First Communion &
Mother's Day
- 本周更新: This week's Gospel Reflections.
- 成人慕道班: RCIA - topic for 5/8-6/12 is 『認識基督–路加福音』. See the RCIA program schedule. 歡迎教友們介紹想認識天主的親朋好友們參加。
- Union Mass Schedule: 聯合彌撒 June: 6/12, 6/19, 6/26.
- 神修資訊: 疏效平弟兄講習會 (MP3), 四旬期避靜/逾越的喜樂:相遇基督/姜有國神父 (ppt), 家庭生活講座/安樂人生/艾立勤神父 (ppt) and 『救恩的故事』! CD.
- Other Announcements: Social Justice: Fair Trade 公平交易 , 防癌接力走路活動 - 6/25/2011 , Catholic Charities, 誠徵幼兒看護, and Feedback 反饋意見.
May God bless you and your family with love and joy,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community