Sunday, May 29, 2011

Grace Night, China Mission, St Clare Festival

Dear brothers and sisters,
Our Lord has risen! Praise God for a very blessed Family Camp! Here are the highlights at
See website for other news including:

May God bless you and your family with love and joy,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Sunday, May 22, 2011

SJCCC eNews: Do not let your hearts be troubled

Dear brothers and sisters,
Our Lord has risen! Jesus said to us "Do not let your hearts be troubled". Praise God for the Town Hall meeting, appreciation to those supported and attended! Here are the highlights of this week at
See website for other news including:

May God bless you and your family with love and joy,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Appreciation to Those Who Supported the Town Hall Meeting

感謝天主,其次是歐神父,周錦榮,鄭繼宗,楊彤芳,華正朔,姜新新,劉希平,胡慧,傅典端,及眾多服務的弟兄姐妹們,沒有他們的参與就沒有這場公聽 會;同樣重要的是我們有龐大的祈禱團,合一而有力的祈禱是公聽會得以順利平和進行的保証。令人鼓舞的是有多位青年組的教友(Young Adult)參與,他們是SJCCC未來的主人。
『弟兄(姐妹)們!你們要喜樂,要勉力成全,要服從勸勉,要同心合意,要彼此和睦:這樣,仁愛與平安的天主必與你們同在』(格後十三:11)。這是 保祿宗徒給我們的勸告,也是鼓勵。願公聽會後大家繼續攜手努力,讓SJCCC成為地上的鹽和世上的光。一切的光榮歸於我們的主耶穌基督和天主父!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 19th Council Meeting agenda

Dear SJCCC Team Leaders and Members,
You are cordially invited to attend the May council meeting.
Date: Thursday, May 19th, 2011
Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Place: St. Clare’s Classroom #5
The agenda is as follows:
  1. Prayer
  2. St. Clare Parish Summer Festival Support
  3. Seminar on Eucharistic Adoration
  4. Grace Night by Charismatic Group
  5. St. Clare parish 85th Anniversary Dance, Dinner Party
  6. Material in room#6 to be relocated
  7. Financial Report
  8. Mass intention proposal
  9. Update of SJCCC Structure Change

In Christ,
Kam Chow

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Prayer for Vocations & our Community

Dear brothers and sisters,
Our Lord has risen! Today is the Good Shephard Sunday, and World Day of Prayer for Vocations, let us pray for Vocation! Here are the highlights of this week at
See website for other news including:

May God bless you and your family with love and joy,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Town Hall on Monday 5/16


鑒於教友徐伯初弟兄及四十餘位教友連署要求主席團召開公聽會,對主教府有關神父之去留及團體組織更改之指示,其過程和可能對團體的影響做出說明一事,經主 席團緊急會議討論之後決定於五月十六日(星期一)晚七至十時舉行,並邀請徐伯初弟兄担任主持人。地點在樓下教堂。希望全體教友参加。


Dear SJCCC members,

In response to a petition requesting a town hall meeting to address the process and the implication of the staying of our priest and the restructuring of SJCCC, this is to inform you that a meeting is to be held at 7:00pm-10:00pm Monday, May 16th in the St. Clare Parish Lower Church. The chair board and Fr. Olivera will be present to answer questions. Po Choo Hsu has been appointed to be the moderator. All SJCCC members are encouraged to attend.

In Christ,


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day! Happy First Communion

Dear brothers and sisters,

Happy Mother's Day! 聖母月祝福所有的媽媽們母親節快樂! Congratulations to the children receiving their First Communion today.
Here are the highlights of this week at

See website for other news including:

May God bless you and your family with love and joy,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Council meeting is postponed to Thursday May 19th

Dear all,

Fr. Olivera will be out of town to participate in the study week sponsored by the Diocese of San Jose from May 9th through May 13th. The council meeting will be postponed to 7:00pm Thursday, May 19th to accommodate it. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you.

God bless,
Kam Chow

Sunday, May 1, 2011

SJCCC eNews: Photos: Easter, Fr Wang; JPII Beatification

Dear brothers and sisters,
The Lord has Risen! Lots of photos to share from the last 2 weeks.
Here are the highlights of this week at

See website for other news including:
If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help, please send email to webteam @, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with peace and joy,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community