Dear Brother & Sister in Christ, This is a URL link of reporting 150 anniversary of Evangeization Meeting Event in Catholic Weekly newspaper in Taiwan. SJCCC Chairboard 親愛的主內兄弟姊妹: 請點下面的連接, 這是台灣天主教週報報導傳愛150照片和實況 祝主內平安, SJCCC 主席團
Dear Brother & Sister in Christ, Please follow the link below to enjoy the Stream Video of 150 anniversary ceremony of Catholic Church in Taiwan. SJCCC Chairboard 親愛的主內兄弟姊妹: 請點下面的連接, 欣賞台灣傳愛150年慶典實況錄像. 祝主內平安, SJCCC 主席團