Monday, August 31, 2009

SJCCC eNews: Family Life Seminar



第一講:同理心溝通及實際演練 Empathic Communication Training

時間:2009年9月19日(星期六) 下午 1 – 4 時


時間:2009年10月24日(星期六) 下午 1 – 4 時

地點:Parish Hall in Saint Clare Church



聯絡:曾淑揚 408-257-5863, 周盛芳 408-615-9973


鄭老師是輔大社工系學士,華盛頓大學(In St Louis, Missouri) 碩士,曾任馬偕醫院資深社工師,東吳、實踐大學社工系兼任講師,天主教善牧基金會社工師督導和夫妻咨詢師,及婦女救援基金會董事。鄭老師擁有豐富的社工臨床及咨詢經驗,去年她舉辦的三次演講,都受到熱烈的回響。今年第一講中,鄭老師將和我們分享如何有效的用〝同理心〞來傾聽別人話語,以正確了解對方,得到對方的信任,而增進與家人及朋友的關係。在這一講中,我們有充分的時間實際演練同理心技巧。在第二講中,鄭老師將和我們分享如何在受到人生中重大的失落時,健康地走過哀傷的歷程。


Sunday, August 30, 2009

SJCCC EV Team: meeting this Wed. 9/2 7:00pm at room 5

Dear friends,

Since the Burning Bush had done our first ripple - 2 people are in RCIA and 1.5 remains in Come & See, 12 people had actively participated in and 9 people remain in the Burning Bush; we'll move forward for the 2nd ripple.

We need a prep. meeting before we kick-off the 2nd ripple on Sun. 9/13 & 9/20. Please make every effort to attend the meeting at 7pm on Wed. 9/2 at Room 5. Please also feel free to invite 1 or 2 people to join our planning meeting.

Please also see some of Tony's idea at:


Please forward this email to Kam and Theresa Chow.

God bless!


Attached PDF: 共融中的福傳:

Friday, August 28, 2009

SJCCC eNews: Funeral Announcement

我們敬愛的 楊登槐 伯伯,(他的兒子 楊逸生,王孟群夫婦,是達拉斯華人教會教友) 已平安的安息主懷,他的玫瑰經祈禱及殯葬彌撒的日期和時間已定如下,請來參加為楊伯伯的懇禱及殯葬彌撒!



時間: 8/31 7:00pm
地點: Spangler Mortuaries Wyant & Smith Crematory
799 Castro Street
Mountain View, CA 94041


時間:09-01-2009, 12 PM (中午12 點)
地點:St Clare Church (我們本堂)


SJCCC eNews: Fr. Jiang's greeting from Boston

姜友國神父近日來訪, 受到大家親切熱情接待, 非常感謝 . 他已經回到Boston, 致函問候

Joseph Ku


Dear SJCCC community:


I arrived safely this evening. It has been a great pleasure to meet you and your very dynamic community. I am indeed inspired and edified by your generous commitment and service to the church and to one another.

I'd like to take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude to you and your community's hospitality, kindness and generosity you extended to me during my visit in Bay Area, I appreciate very much. Thank you all very much for your support and prayers in so many ways which has further deepen and strengthen my vocation in the Lord and in the Society of Jesus.

May the Lord continue to bless you and your loved ones with much abundant grace of peace, joy, love and good health. You are all assured of my prayers.


Gratefully yours
Little Jiang, S. J

Saturday, August 15, 2009

SJCCC eNews: An Invitation from our Fr. Olivera




地點﹕ Presentation Center, 19480 Bear Creek Road, Los Gatos, CA 95033

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ:

Peace be with you!

We are going to have our annual retreat at the end of August. The purpose of this retreat is to help everyone better understand "Spirituality of Communion and Evangelization". It's open to all members of our community who are willing to serve GOD. We sincerely encourage you come and join us for this unique opportunity to pray together and to discuss our mission that GOD gave us at our church. Please take a break from your daily work and answer God's call to come and see!

May God bless you all!

Sincerely, yours
Fr. Olivera

Time: 8/29/2009 Saturday 9:00 – 5:00pm
Location: Presentation Center, 19480 Bear Creek Road, Los Gatos, CA 95033
Cost: Donation optional (Recommendition: $35/person, $45/couple)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

SJCCC Member eNews Message

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

Taiwan was badly pounded by the latest Morakot Typhoon. Many people lose their homes and need our finance as well as spiritual supports. The community will start praying and collecting donations from this coming Sunday to help recovery of the victims. You may write a check to SJCCC and make a note of "88 flood relief fund". We'll wire the donations directly to "The Bishop Consortium of Taiwan" as a group.


台灣正遭受著特大風暴水災襲擊, 很多家庭流離失所, 正需要物質和精神上的幫助. 我們團體已經開始為莫拉克颱風受災家庭祈禱, 並於下注日彌撒之後捐款以幫助他們儘快恢復正常生活. 您可以寫支票給"SJCCC" 並注明"88抗洪救災基金". 我們會把捐款一起匯到"台灣主教聯合會".


In Christ,
SJCCC Chair Board

Monday, August 10, 2009

鄭玉英教授 Seminars

第一埸 主題: 由家庭系統觀看人的身心靈成長
時間: 2009年8月7日禮拜五晚上7:30 - 10:00
地點: Community Center in San Joseph
主講: 鄭玉英教授
地址: 10110 North De Anza Boulevard,
Cupertino, CA 95014
Tel: 408/252-7653
第二埸 主題 : 小牧童與信仰團體繁衍
時間: 2009年8月9日主日4:30 - 6:00 (彌撒後)
地點: Parish Hall in Santa Clare Church
主講: 鄭玉英教授
專業: 婚姻輔導, 家庭重塑, 心理諮商, 心靈治療.
" 在鄭教授學生的心目中,鄭教授不但教學認真,言談風趣幽默,舉手投足更充滿靈修人的幽雅氣質,很能引人入「聖」,上她的課,讓人體會真是如沐春風。 而最讓人感到溫暖的是,她豐富的生命經驗及與上主的密切契合,不但使她將理論化成實際,且常現身說法,以身為例,走過人生悲歡離合,經歷病苦折磨,玉英老 師的 心靈柔和憐恤,分享的生命經驗尤為感人"。

SJCCC eNews: Friends of Ricci Seminar

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

This is a rare opportunity to learn some Evangelization stories in the Mongolia region from a first hand scholar, who is teaching and studying in there for many years. Please join "Friends of Ricci" for the following seminar:



時間:8月26日周三下午6點 提供簡便晚餐

地點 :Parish Hall (941 Lexington St. Santa Clara CA95050)

主辦:Friends of Ricci and SJCCC


In Christ,

SJCCC Chair Board

Saturday, August 8, 2009

SJCCC eNews: August Council Meeting on 8/13

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

We'll have our monthly community council meeting on this coming Thursday 8/13, 7:00-9:00PM at St. Clare's School Room #5. Here are the tentative agenda,

1. Prayer and faith sharing
2. Financial report
3. 8/29 SJCCC leaders' retreat
4. Lower church Mass change proposal
5. Closing prayer

Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting.

God bless!

Yvonne Chow

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

任小音 Video - Sheau Yin Hsia - We love you

Sheau Yin Hsia - We love you

This is a slideshow I made in loving memory of my mom. Alan Hsai.

Monday, August 3, 2009

SJCCC eNews: Need New Collegeville Bible Commentary translators

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

This email is asking for translators who can translate The New Collegeville Bible Commentary from English to Chinese.



目前「活水編譯小組」發現The Liturgical Press的全套The New Collegeville Bible Commentary(新約部分,共12冊)是一套合乎時代、也有學術基礎,並是以教友程度而準備的聖經詮釋。所以決定把這套詮釋編譯成中文。「活水編譯小組」為了下一階段的工作目標正準備近日能編譯為這個工作,需要徵求各方面的人才,尤其需要初譯人員及試讀人員,胡神父的徵求譯員的啟事如下:


1. 「活水編譯小組」的發起人為張錚錚、樂近英夫婦、胡國楨神父。我們的目的在與台北輔仁大學神學院合作,為以中文讀聖經的基督徒準備一些有用的參考書,或編,或譯,或寫。

2. 我們已編譯完成《隨著教會禮儀讀福音:從聖誕期到復活期》,並即將完成《若望福音及書信詮釋》(簡要本),以上二書均為廿世紀聖經詮釋權威Raymond E. Brown的作品。

3. 我們目前正在籌劃出版「聖經詮釋(簡要本)」,打算將The Liturgical Press的全套 The New Collegeville Bible Commentary(新約部分,共12冊)編譯成中文。所以,我們需要徵求優秀「英譯中」人才加入我們,擴大增加「初譯組」的成員。

4. 「初譯組」所做的是整個編譯工作的第一步:初譯者負責將分派到的那一冊翻譯成「中文初稿」,交由「編審組」(由輔大神學叢書主編胡國楨神父的編輯室成員組成)審訂、排版,並為中文讀者補充編寫必要的【審訂者註】,完成「中文二稿」製作「試讀本」,交由「試讀組」試讀提出修訂意見。所有試讀意見匯整給「編審組」參考,為全書做增、刪、潤飾的工作,形成「中文三稿」。最後,由「定稿組」以通順、優美的中文為全書定稿,並做末校。全書定稿與否的總負責人為胡國楨神父,並需經「輔大神學叢書編輯委員會」審核通過,才能付梓。

5. 出版發行的整套書的內容,由輔大神學院及活水編譯小組共同負責。因此,整套書編譯者署名為「活水編譯小組」、審訂者為胡國楨神父,並邀請每位初譯者為所譯該冊寫篇1000字左右的「譯者序」或「譯後語」,與讀者分享譯述心得。

6. 由於我們經費有限,無法籌措足夠的翻譯稿酬。因此,為聊表謝意,除了致贈每位譯者全套每冊各一本外,當每冊出版發行時,將以下述兩種方法之一作為象徵性的薄酬,請每位譯者擇一:致贈當冊40本,或新台幣10,000元。

7. 本小組有兩位召集人,在台灣為胡國楨神父,在美國為樂近英女士。有興趣參加我們「初譯組」的同道,請與她們二人之一連絡。我們會致贈《若望福音及書信詮釋》前半的試讀本一冊給您參考,並提供您尚未有人認譯的冊數,讓您認譯。請您試譯一頁,先給我們過目,為您提供意見,而後才開始正式翻譯。最好在三個月之內譯畢,最遲也請勿超過五個月。好讓我們有時間從事後續作業。

8. 最好能用電腦打字交稿,若無法用電腦打字寫作者,請用有格稿紙謄寫清楚,寄來輔神編輯室,我們可以幫忙打字。

若您有興趣參與這項事工,請與「活水編譯小組」聯絡 - 胡國楨神父 peterkchusj@gmail.com或樂近英


Sending SJCCC eNews to members

Here is the reference instruction for sending SJCCC Members eNew emails:
  1. Start your web browser (Internet Explorer or Firefox)
  2. Set "View -> Encoding" to Unicode (UTF-8)
  3. Sign in to the SJCCC Member eNew Control Panel to send email: (contact admin for password. You can also go to the main page to send email to Friends or Sacred Heart School: )
  4. Update Subject Line (Recommend to use the format: "SJCCC eNews: ..."
  5. Leave the format as "Text". (For now, only text without formatting, we will test and provide instructions for HTML in the future)
  6. Copy your message in the box. This can be Chinese and/or English.
  7. In the "Send Test Messages To" box, enter your email address
  8. Click the yellow "Send a Test Message", and confirm
  9. There will be a pop up window with sample message, the Chinese in that window will be messed up, please ignore. Go to your Email software, and check the test.
  10. If test does not work try again or contact the admin
  11. If test works, go back to the Control Panel, DOUBLE CHECK that the Encoding is still Unicode/UTF-8, and click on the green "Send Mailing List Message", and confirm
Admin: Tony, Xuili

Please remember:
  • Relevance: There are many subscribers, please send only SJCCC news with relevance to broad subset of people.
  • Audience: Some members only read Chinese (e.g., seniors) some only read English (youth, Watermark YAG, and people whose computer that are not set up to read Chinese).
  • Cadence (Frequency): Please avoid sending multiple emails on the same day, unless absolutely necessary
  • Speed: We are set to send at a very slow rate to maximize delivery, currently, it takes about 1 hour to send to the entire list.