Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
There is a youtube video,
which you might be interested in knowing the church's view of marriage.
God Bless,
Li-peng Chou
Friday, October 31, 2008
Church's view of marriage/Li-Peng
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Pictures for All Souls Sunday/Li-Peng
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
This coming Sunday, we'll celebrate the Mass of "All Souls" for those who passed away. The Liturgical team would like to remind you to bring pictures of your late relatives or friends for memoir. Their pictures will be placed in front of the altar and we'll pray for the peace of their souls during the Mass.
In Christ,
Li-peng Chou
Monday, October 27, 2008
November workshop and retreat announcements/Li-Peng
- Nov. 1st, Chinese Mass, All Saints Fiesta:
- Ascension Church (Saratoga);
- Saturday from 8:00 am to 9:00 am;
- Celebrated by Fr. Olivera (歐神父)
- Nov. 1st, workshop, Parenting Guidance, e-世代親子教育面面觀:
- St. Clare Parish, Lower Church,
- Saturday from 9:00 am to 12:30 noon,
- Led by 許錫珍姐妹;
- Nov. 7th, Faith Formation Seminar, 認識保祿的心靈世界:
- St. Clare Parish, Parish Hall
- Friday from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm
- Led by Fr. Bona Ln, 林思川 神父
- Nov. 8th, Biblical Study Workshop, 將臨期聖經講座:
- St. Joseph Church, Fremont,
Dominican Sisters,
43226 Mission Blvd, Fremont, CA 94539 - Saturday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm,
- Led by Fr. Bona Ln, 林思川 神父
- Nov. 21 to 23, SJCCC Advent Retreat,
基督徒: 一個有影響力的服侍者: - St. Clare Retreat Center, Santa Cruz
- Friday evening through Sunday noon,
- Led by Fr. John Jao, 饒志成神父
Bishop's visit on 11/23 - Yvonne Chow
For Diocesan Calendar Please send to: · Name of event/meeting: 25th Anniversary and Commission · Day and date: Sunday, November 23, 2008 · Time (start and end): 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. · Place. (Please provide address so that a map link can be created) St. Clare Church at 941 Lexington St. Santa Clara, CA 95050 · Contact person with phone number and/or email address Yvonne Chow, 408-997-8524,
To celebrate SJCCC 25th anniversary and to commission our new chaplain, Fr. Olivera. Mass starts at 3:00 p.m. and the reception following right after in the parish hall. |
Monday, October 20, 2008
(941 Lexington St, Santa Clara, CA 95050)
主講: 許錫珍姐妹
報名從速 請聯繫
李慧君姐妹 (408) 252-3317
或 甯秀麗姐妹 (408)667-7200
歡迎闔第光臨, 備有托兒服務
· 與孩子一起成長,建立和諧的親子關係
· 掌握孩子發展的關鍵期,增進其多元智能與情緒發展
· 幫助孩子建立健康的自我形象,活出真我,展現才華
· 提昇孩子的EQ、AQ與MQ,塑造快樂自信新生命
姓名 ________________________
電話 ________________________
子女年齡 □ 0-3歲 □ 4-6歲 □ 7-10歲 □ 11-13歲 □其他____
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Online Registration now available for RECongress 2009
For those of you who are interested in registering REcongress. Please check the link below, you have to register yourself, and print a receipt to me. I will do the reimbursement for you later on. I will book the flight together. Please email me the correct driver license name of yours, so, I can book the flight. We will take Friday 2/27 morning flight to :LA and
coming back on Sunday afternoon. Thanks.
Online Congress Registration Is Now Available!
Remember! The first 5,000 Congress registrants are "guaranteed" their first choices. Be among the first to register. And you can do that now ... online with a credit card! Start planning and Register for RECongress 2009.
Pass along this emailing or our link -- -- to share with friends and encourage them to sign up for our Congress Emailing for updates. If you do not care to receive future updates, you can find removal information at the bottom of this message.
The 2009 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress dates are:
• February 26, 2009 (Youth Day)
• February 27 - March 1, 2009 (Congress days)
Congress is held at the Anaheim Convention Center, located at 800 West Katella Ave. in Anaheim, Calif. (just across from Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure).
The registration fee for Congress is $60. ($70 after January 5, 2009 deadline.)
• First, pick your sessions -- You may either Download the Registration Guidebook (in sections or the complete Guidebook in PDF form) or check each period's listings on our web site (Congress 2009 Workshops & Links) to see workshop offerings for those you would like to attend.
• Find your interests -- You can also find a listing of speakers/topics/titles/languages on our 2009 Topics page.
• Plan out a first and second choices -- Choose a first and a second choice (in case of a full or canceled workshop) for each period you wish to attend
• You can use our new Workshop Planner (PDF: 2 pgs., 115k)
• Register -- When ready, click the red "Register" button off our home page or go directly to to register by credit card.
• Order your Guidebook -- If you're new to Congress, order a copy of the Registration Guidebook. The Guidebook provides information about Congress as well as all workshop descriptions and two Registration Forms. (NOTE: Those who registered last year will automatically receive their Guidebook in early November.)
• Choose your sessions -- Use the daily events pages and workshops descriptions to select a first and second workshop choice (in case of a full or canceled workshop) for each of the eight periods you wish to attend.
• Fill out the Registration Form -- The Registration Form is on the inside back cover of the Guidebook. Mail it in along with payment ($60 per person before January 5, 2009).
All tickets will be mailed after February 5, 2009.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Advent Retreat/Li-Peng
My apology that the previous email for the retreat announcement has some Chinese characters, which are not visible. Here is an updated version.
The Faith Formation team is pleased to invite you to the Advent Retreat of this year. Fr. John Jao, a Jesuit priest, will guide us in the preparation of a meaningful spiritual life in Advent.
主 題: 基督徒: 一個有影響力的服侍者(靜默式避靜)
神 師: 饒志成神父
時 間: Nov. 21 Friday (Dinner) to Nov. 23 Sunday (Lunch)
地 點: St. Claire Retreat Center
2381 Laurel Road, Soquel, CA 95073
費 用: 單人房 $ 130
雙人房 $ 120 per person
In Christ,
Li-peng Chou
饒志成神父1943年出生於印尼,高中畢業後回到台灣,於台灣大學念機械系。中學時,受當時在印尼的鄭爵銘神父感召,加入督進團 (基督服務團前身)。
主 題 : 基督徒: 一個有影響力的服侍者
避靜神師 :饒志成神父
時 間 :Nov.21 Dinner to Nov. 23 Lunch
地 點 :St Claire Retreat Center
Friday 05:00 報到
08:00 - 09:30 入靜
Saturday 09:00 - 09:45 第一講
10:00 - 10:45 祈禱
11:00 - 11:45 第二講
02:00 - 03:45 第三講
04:00 - 04:45 祈禱
05:00 - 05:45 彌撒
07:30 –08:30 信仰交談
09:00 - 09:30 聖體降福
Sunday 09:00 - 09:45 第四講
09:45 - 10:15 祈禱
10:30 - 11:30 彌撒; 出靜
Sunday, October 12, 2008
All Saints Project/Jessica Wang
Each year CM hosts “All Saints Project” to
honor our favorite Saints. This Catechetical year church celebrates St. Paul’s Jubilee year, special dedicating the year to St. Paul.
So, this year’s All Saints Project will focus on St. Paul.
Theme : St. Paul
Due Date : Oct. 26, 2008(dates revised)
Participants : CM PK through 8th grade
Project material : Poster board, 11” x 14” any
Prizes : One first prize each grade level,
Each participant will receive a
Participation Prize.
HAVE FUN !!!!!
P.S. In order to present the Awards on All Saints Day, 11/2, during Union mass, we have changed the due date to 10/26 instead.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Invitation to a workshop hosted by the Corner Stone Bible study group/Li-Peng
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
The Corner Stone Bible study group invites Fr. Marvin Deutsch (from Maryknoll) for a talk about the book "Jesus of Nazareth" on this Friday (10/10). The book author is Pope Benedict XVI. (Amazon link: ). You are invited to join them to learn more about Jesus, our savior, as well as the author, Pope Benedict 16. Please see their blog at for more details.
Time: Oct. 10, 8:00 to 10:00 PM
Place: The St. Joseph church in Cupertino
In Christ
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Lecture on St. Paul - Reading Material/Li-Peng
後來有些猶太人,看到了以後,有點眼紅,忌妒外邦人的基督徒。他們覺得:"本來救恩是給我們猶太人的。怎麼現在,外邦人也可以了。" 這些人裏,可能有宗徒。或是跟宗徒很親近的猶太人基督徒。就開始說:"外邦人要做基督徒。可以。可是要先割損。"
保祿聽了很生氣,覺得:"怎麼可以這樣?哪裡有這種道理?" 就上耶路撒冷,跟宗徒們辯論。這就是我們第一次的大公會議。那時耶路撒冷的主教是雅各伯。有人說:是雅各伯主張 "外邦人要守猶太人的法律"。也有人說:"是他旁邊的猶太基督徒說的。然後,假裝是雅各伯說的。" 不管是誰說的,當時,基督徒的主流,大概都是以猶太文化為主。覺得:" 救恩就是天主許給猶太民族的。" 不太喜歡外邦人也可以成為基督徒的想法。
其實,這個故事離我們並沒有很遠。梵二的時候,我們天主教體會到:"救恩並不一定在天主教會內。天主對教會外的朋友,也有他的計畫。" 有些天主教徒,聽到這些話,也有些不開心,也會忌妒。 覺得:"那我們為什麼還要信天主教?" 現在過了六十年,"匿名的基督徒"的想法,也慢慢在天主教裏被接受了。
其實,想想保祿那時候面對的處境,跟梵二那時候,主張"匿名的基督徒"的處境, 是有些相似的。而保祿那種對天主,對真理,對人的熱情。這些,對我們基督徒來說,常常在生活裡尋找天主的人,可能可以幫助我們,對生活有更多啟發,更多熱情。
Monday, October 6, 2008
Agenda of the October Council Meeting/Li-Peng
You are invited to the October Council meeting on this coming Thursday, Oct. 9, from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM at St. Clare room #5.
The agenda is given as follows:
1) Financial status report (Li-peng): meeting with Vicar of Clergy, Fr. Manrique;
2) Financial status report (Joseph): meeting with the Cantonese group;
3) The upcoming Five-Dioceses Faith Formation conference, Nov. 21, 22, (Yvonne);
4) Celebration to the 25th Anniversary (Yvonne);
5) Faith Formation activities in the next three months (Ana);
6) General guidelines in making announcement to the Community (Li-peng);
7) General guidelines in holding wedding or funeral masses in the St. Clair church (Fr. Olivera);
1) The challenge of new financial requirements in the 2008/2009 fiscal year (Jimmy Chen, Li-peng);
2) The commissioning process of all ministries (Yvonne);
In Christ,
Li-peng Chou
Thursday, October 2, 2008
A faulty email system/Li-Peng
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
Sorry for the confusing message which is continuously looping in our members email box. I just talked to the ISP server of SJCCC, and they indicated to me that it might be a problem that a bounced email be fed back to the distribution mailbox again. The problem is not triggered by a virus in the message. They are looking into the problem and will stop the faulty server immediately.
Thanks for your understanding and patience,
Lecture on St. Paul/Li-Peng
As you know Pope, Benedict the 16th, has designated this year as the year of St. Paul. In concelebrating this meaningful theme with the universe church, the Faith Formation team has laid down a whole year activity plan with Fr. Olivera for a series of lectures, seminars and retreats. Here is the one for October:
信仰講座: 保祿
In Christ,
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
An Evening with Mary/Li-Peng
Tuesday, October 7th 2008, 7:00pm
St. Elizabeth Parish
750 Sequoia Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035
Come and join us for an evening of prayer & songs honoring the
Blessed Mother in her different roles as --
Santa Marian Kamalen; Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe;
Our Lady of Antipolo; Our Lady of La Vang; Lady of Sorrows;
Our Lady of Fatima; Our Lady of China, and many more.
Sponsored by the Chamorro group -- Santa Marian Kamalen of St. Elizabeth
Together with the whole community of St. Elizabeth