Dear all,
鳳文姐,經醫生診斷,心臟的動脈血管有問題,需要動手術來治療,其難度,超過 心臟 'By Pass' 的手術,手術的日期,尚未決定,據鳳文告之,應當在9月初!
As of July 1, 2012, we are now San Jose Chinese Catholic Mission ( Previously we were known as the San Jose Chinese Catholic Community.
Dear all,
鳳文姐,經醫生診斷,心臟的動脈血管有問題,需要動手術來治療,其難度,超過 心臟 'By Pass' 的手術,手術的日期,尚未決定,據鳳文告之,應當在9月初!
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please join us at the Rosary Prayer on Tuesday or Funeral Mass on Wednesday if possible. Please see Lih-Ing's invitation below for details.
May God bless 李家琛 Mr. Lee's soul and comfort his wife and family.
----- Original Message ----
From: Lydia
To: James Hua ; Li-Peng Chou
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 1:43:22 PM
Subject: RE: Please Pray for 李天祥's Father, 李家琛先生
Hi James,
請主內的弟兄姊妹們為我的公公, 李天祥的父親, 李家琛先生祈禱.
八月二十六日7:30 PM 在 Lima Family 有玫瑰經頌唸 (466 North Winchester Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95050)
八月二十七日9:30 AM 在 St. Clare Church 有殯葬彌撒
Please pray for Tain Shain Lee's father.
We have rosary prayer in Lima Family (466 North Winchester Blvd., Santa Clara, CA 95050) on Aug. 26 at 7:30 PM.
We also have Mass in St. Clare Church on Aug. 27 at 9:30AM.
Lih-Ing Lan
-----Original Message-----
From: James Hua
Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2008 12:04 PM
Subject: Please Pray for 李天祥's Father
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
With most regret, I inform you that our dear Mr. Lee (李天祥's father) has passed away last night. Please extend your prayer for Mr. Lee's soul. May our Heavenly Father welcome him into God's Kingdom to enjoy the eternal life.
Please prayer for Mr. Lee's wife and family during this difficult time. May God bless Lee's family!
James Hua
----- Original Message ----
From: James Hua
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2008 1:18:57 PM
Subject: Re: Please Pray for 李天祥's Father
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Sorry about the confusion! My mistake on the first name! I gave "Joseph T.S. Lee" to Li-Peng for the broadcast. It should have been "T.S. Lee" and the Chinese name should be 李天祥 if your computer can decode Chinese font.
So please continue to pray for 李天祥's father (Joseph Lee's grandpa) for recovery. May Gos bless Lee's family!
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
With most regret, I inform you that our dear Mr. Lee (李天祥's father) has passed away last night. Please extend your prayer for Mr. Lee's soul. May our Heavenly Father welcome him into God's Kingdom to enjoy the eternal life.
Please prayer for Mr. Lee's wife and family during this difficult time. May God bless Lee's family!
James Hua
Date and Time: August 24, 2008, Sunday, 1:00pm to 3:30pm.
Place: St Joseph Catholic Church - Parish School, Room# 7. 43148 Mission Blvd, Fremont, CA, 94539
主講者: 鄭玉英教授
主題: 由心理諮商到心靈醫治
聯絡人: 王汝斌
專業: 婚姻輔導, 家庭重塑, 心理諮商, 心靈治療.
"在鄭教授學生的心目中,鄭教授不但教學認真,言談風趣幽默,舉手投足更充滿靈修人的幽雅氣質,很能引人入「聖」,上她的課,讓人體會真是如沐春風。 而最讓人感到溫暖的是,她豐富的生命經驗及與上主的密契,不但使她將理論化成實際,且常現身說法,以身為例,走過人生悲歡離合,經歷病苦折磨,玉英老師的心靈柔和憐恤,分享的生命經驗?#92;為感人"。 - - 節錄自教友生活週刊
Peace in Christ
CCCSJ Servant Group
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
We need your special pray for Joseph Lee's father (in North Region Bible Study group), who is in critical condition now and is in the Intensive Care Unit of the San Jose Regional Hospital. Please pray for the recovery of his health and all needed supports to the family.
In Christ,
Li-peng Chou
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Sorry about the confusion! My mistake on the first name!
I gave "Joseph T.S. Lee" to Li-Peng for the broadcast. It should have been "T.S. Lee" and the Chinese name should be 李天祥 if your computer can decode Chinese font.
So please continue to pray for 李天祥's father (Joseph Lee's grandpa) for recovery. May Gos bless Lee's family!
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
Just a kind reminder for two upcoming services, please take time to participate:
1. Assumption of Mary Mass, this evening, Aug. 15, 7:00pm in lower church;
2. "I and Family", workshop led by Sr. Helen Fu, Tomorrow, Aug. 16, from 9:00am to 12:00 noon, in lower church. Babysitting service will be provided.
In Christ,
Li-peng Chou
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
The Charismatic Prayer group would like to make the following announcement to the members:
"The bi-weekly SJCCC Charismatic Prayer Meeting at the same time will be canceled and all members are encouraged to join Watermark's Praise Night event to support our youth. May God bless the Praise Night event. James Hua"
In Christ,
Li-peng Chou
主題: 家庭溝通
時間: 8/16/2008 ,9:00AM -Noon 家和萬事興, 下午; 座談會,問與答
地點: St. Clare Lower Church
主講: 傅世英修女(耶穌孝女會 )
請向陳慶文姐妹報名 午餐自費
費用: 自由奉獻
歡迎闔第光臨, 備有托兒服務
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
I feel sorry to inform you that Fr. Olivera's brother-in-law has passed away in last week. Please pray for his soul be rested peacefully in our Lord Jesus Christ, and comfort his family at this difficult time. We also pray for a safe trip when Fr. Olivera travels back to San Jose.
In Christ,
Li-peng Chou