Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Abundant Life - Chinese Catholic Friends/Judy Sun

打開郵箱,常有一堆信湧進來,圖文並茂的影片;觸動心靈的字句,……。我們也將傳送短短的文字給你,願這些短訊,帶給你希望與光明的氣息。 耶穌說:「我來,是為叫他們獲得生命,且獲得更豐富的生命。」


聖荷西華人天主教會 敬啟



聖詠作者曾向天主說:我們的歲月,不過像一聲嘆息。(詠90:9) 誰不曾嘆息過呢?它嘆出我們的感傷和無奈。 縱然如此,生命仍是充實有意義的。嘆息的背後可以有歡愉。 信仰,尤其對基督的信仰,幫助我們扭轉對生命的態度。


中國人敬天、慎終追遠的民族情懷,流傳了數千年,不論我們身在何處,這樣的觀念仍然存在心中。天主教是一個符合國情的宗教,因為我們敬天,也緬懷先人。十 一月是天主教的煉靈月,在這個月裡,我們有特別追思已亡親友的安排。請將對去世親友的哀思和懷念,放在你的心中,或是把它表達出來,寄給我們,我們會在煉 靈月中為他們祈禱。


Monday, October 29, 2007

Reminders for the upcoming events/Li-Peng

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Just a kind reminder from the chair board for the following three activities:

1. Nov. 1st is All Saints day, St. Clare will have the Chinese mass starting from 7:30 PM in the upper church;

2. On Nov. 3 & 4, ACS/CCU of CCCSJ in Fremont, collaborates with CACCC (Chinese American Coalition for Compassionate Care) to host an important seminar regarding the end-of-life care and issues with Dr. Lai, who is an oncologist from Taiwan. Dr. Lai is honored by the people in Taiwan as "the father of respite care". If you're interested, please contact LuLu (408) 263-8886 for more information.

2. St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Clare Parish has a food pantry from which they distribute food every month to those in need within our community. They have food barrels at the school for our donations of canned fruit, soup, pasta sauce and vegetables; cereal, peanut butter, jams and jellies, and gelatin dessert. They try to increase the normal quantity of food given at the end of the year, Your generosity has always been an inspiration to the volunteers. If you would like to join them distributing the food and gift giving events; call 408-248-7786 and leave a message on extension 14;

In Christ,
SJCCC Mandarin group chair board

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Remembrance - Chinese Catholic Friends Message/Judy Sun


10月20日的迎新聚餐,你來了嗎?也許時間太匆忙,你早有了的安排。沒關係,以後還有機會。 在繁忙的生活步調裡,我們還是放慢腳步,輕鬆一點吧。 寄些相片給你看 ,是聚餐時照的,近五十位新朋友參加呢,希望下次在相片中也看到你的身影。

中國人敬天、慎終追遠的民族情懷,流傳了數千年,不論我們身在何處,這樣的觀念仍然存在心中。天主教是一個符合國情的宗教,因為我們敬天,也緬懷先人。十 一月是天主教的煉靈月,在這個月裡,我們有特別追思已亡親友的安排。請將對去世親友的哀思和懷念,放在你的心中,或是把它表達出來,寄給我們,我們會在煉 靈月中為他們祈禱。






聖詠作者曾向天主說:我們的歲月,不過像一聲嘆息。(詠90:9) 誰不曾嘆息過呢?它嘆出我們的感傷和無奈。 縱然如此,生命仍是充實有意義的。嘆息的背後可以有歡愉。 信仰,尤其對基督的信仰,幫助我們扭轉對生命的態度。

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Two workshops for Advent/Li-Peng

Dear all brothers and sisters in Christ:
Peace in Christ.
Our sibling church, CCCSJ in Fremont, has arranged two workshops to prepare us for the upcoming Advent period. Please make yourself available on Nov. 18 and Dec.2.
Nov.18, Workshop: Lead By Fr. Bona Lin (林思川神父)
St. Joseph School in Fremont, Class Room #7, 1:50PM~3:50PM
Dec. 2, Workshop Lead by Sr. Ng (吳瑞環修女)
St. Joseph School in Fremont, Class Room #7, 1:50PM~3:50PM
Please see the attached file for more details.
In Christ,
SJCCC Chair Board

Monday, October 15, 2007

Dinner Gathering Reminder - From Your Chinese Catholic Friends/Judy Sun



這次的地點不是灣區的大型場所,是在我們的家───聖荷西華人天主教會, 我們的團體邀請你與家人、朋友來聚餐。 ( 941 Lexington Street ( at Lafayette Street.), Santa Clara, Ca.95050 .)。 五點開始,在教堂旁的Parish Hall,我們等你來。我們準備了小孩的看顧。如果你還沒有與我們連絡





天主教是一個 「正視人生者」的宗教,對人生的眾多問題,不但不逃避,反而主動面對、探討、尋求破解之道。

你願意檢視你的生命嗎?一樣米養百樣人,有些人一生過的轟轟烈烈,有些人在無可奈何中生存。回顧你走過的人生路,你滿意嗎?你認為不枉此生嗎?如果有機會 再走一次,你會做同樣的選擇,或是選擇另一條路呢?

Friday, October 12, 2007

Feedbacks for expectations to the new chaplain/Li-Peng

Dear all in Christ:

After the first run of information collection, Ken and his team have put all feedbacks into a structured draft. Here is the next step he expects us to work with them:

1. Please review the first draft and share your reflections with us in 3 weeks.
2. We are working on Chinese translation and will provide to our members soon.
3. Please recommend the priest who is willing and ready to apply the position.
4. Eugene will make a short announcement in the English mass and Ken will report in the upstair mass on Sunday.
5. Please continue to pray for this intension.

In Christ,

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Liturgical events for the next few weeks/Angie and Tien Chia

Dear all in Christ:

The new leaders of the Liturgical team, Angie and Tien Chia, would like to bring our attention to two announcements, which were passed to them by the Liturgy committee of the St. Clare parish in a monthly meeting:

Calendar of liturgical events/activities in the parish:

All saints/All Souls:
1. Some parishioners are putting up a display in the foyer. They invite everyone to bring pictures of their deceased loved one ( with a name on the back )
2. There will be a Box to collect envelopes of the picture in mid Oct. The box will be brought up with the gifts and prays in each mass.

1. Mass will be at 9AM. Everyone is invited to bring food, wine or something from their table to be blessed during the Mass.
2. ICF and STvD are feeding people from 11 to 3PM on Thanksgiving day

(Angie and Tien Chia)

In Christ,

Monday, October 8, 2007

Oct Welcome New Members/James Hua, KerChing Liu

Dear brothers and sisters,

Kerching and the Evangilization Team (ET) thank you all for your support to the 4 big sponsored events: 華人工商大展, 華人運動會, 華人體育會, 中秋園遊會. Even more, now ET is driving a warm welcome reception dinner party for the new comers. Again we need your participation and support again. Think it this way... it's our time to relax and enjoy our brother/sisterhood too. Please read Kerching's announcement below and joy us on 10/20 (Sat) 5PM to 9PM. On that night we don't have Prayer Meeting and the Prayer Meeting attendees will join this event too!

May God bless your kind heart! May God grant abundant fruit to ET!

James Hua
Cell: (650)215-0764

聯絡電話:(650) 493-2527
亲爱的神父和天主教会福传组 收到你们e-mail 很高兴,是天主的安排,我从1953年离开了教会,想不到55年后,又找到了天主教会,高兴万奋,以后我会常去教会,重新回到天主的身边.


Sunday, October 7, 2007

Dinner Gathering Inviation - From Your Chinese Catholic Friends/Judy Sun


是什麼樣的心靈牽動,讓你走出家門,來到戶外,置身在華運會、華體會、中秋節園遊會呢?記得小時候,過年放假,連最熱鬧地區的店家,也休息打烊。但是街上 仍有不少逛街的人。夾在人群間,好像只為感染一些和大家在一起的氣氛。或許那時的心情,是在尋找一種自己也說不出名目的期待。

在灣區,你置身於大型活動中,看見「天主教」三個字,停下腳步和我們說話,或是我們走上前去要告訴你什麼。實際上,在那樣人來人往的場 合,雖然你我心中還想多聊一會兒,但是沒有機會。為了彌補這心中的不足,和促進所有的新朋友的相識,10月20日星期六,讓我們再一次相遇吧。



地點:St. Clare 教堂旁的活動中心 (Parish Hall),
941 Lexington Street ( at Lafayette Street.), Santa Clara, Ca.95050





天主教是一個「正視人生者」的宗教。 生命充滿意義,值得我們一生去發掘,開拓生命領域,擴展人生視野。


灣區天主教網頁: [聖荷西] [中半島] [費利蒙] [聯合市]

其他天主教網頁: [天主教資訊小集] [天主教亞洲真理電台] [香港天主教教友總會]

舊金山灣區綜合聯絡電話: (408)983-0211

Friday, October 5, 2007

October Council Meeting/Joseph Ku

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

You are cordially invited to attend the council meeting of this month, which will be held on Oct. 11, Thursday, from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM. The theme of this meeting is set to "We are good stewards of God's house". Here is the agenda:

1) 7:00 ~ 7:10: Opening prayer
2) 7:10 ~ 7:30: Report and discuss SJCCC financial status in general (Jimmy Chen and the staff)
3) 7:30 ~ 7:45: Report and discuss financial status of the Sacred Heart school (Jessica Wang or her delegation)
4) 7:45 ~ 8:05: Report the CD publishing and financial status of the CD publish project (Simon Liao)
5) 8:05 ~ 8:25: Report the operation and financial status of the Evangelization projects (Kerching Liu)
6) 8:25 ~ 8:40: Report the activity and financial status of the Faith Formation programs (Ana Tsai)
7) 8:40 ~ 9:00: Discuss the training program for the 8-week Lent retreat (Ana Tsai)
8) 9:00 ~ 9:10: Promotion for Vocation (The Vocation team)
9) 9:10 ~ 9:15: Status update for the recruitment of the new chaplain (Ken Wang)
10)9:15 ~ 9:20: Status update for the meeting with Sr. Pat (Li-peng Chou)
11) 9:20 ~ 9:25: misc. reports (Li-peng Chou)
11) 9:25 ~ 9:30: Closing prayer

Note: For major items, please take 5 minutes for financial status report, 10 minutes for operation update, and leave 5 minutes for general feedbacks.

In Christ
Li-peng Chou (on behalf of Joseph Ku)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Council meeting agenda/Li-Peng

Dear All:

Here is a proposed agenda for the council meeting of this month. Please provide your feedbacks before I distribute to the general public.

In Christ,

Dear brothers and sisters:

You are cordially invited to attend the council meeting of this month, which will be held on Oct. 11, from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM. The theme of this meeting is "We are good stewards in God's house". Here is the agenda:

1) 7:00 ~ 7:10: Opening prayer
2) 7:10 ~ 7:30: Report and discussion for SJCCC financial status in general (Jimmy Chen and the staff)
3) 7:30 ~ 7:45: Report and discussion for the financial status of the Sacred Heart school (Jessica Wang or her delegation)
4) 7:45 ~ 8:05: CD publishing and financial status report of the CD Publish team (Simon Liao)
5) 8:05 ~ 8:25: Operation and financial status report of the Evangelization Team(Kerching Liu)
6) 8:25 ~ 8:40: Activity and financial status report of the Faith Formation team (Ana Tsai)
7) 8:40 ~ 9:00: The training program for the 8-week Lent retreat (Ana Tsai)
8) 9:00 ~ 9:10: Promotion for Vocation (The Vocation team)
9) 9:10 ~ 9:15: Status update for the recruiment of new chaplain (Ken Wang)
10) 9:15 ~ 9:20: Status updates for dialog with Sr. Pat (Li-peng Chou)
11) 9:20 ~ 9:30: Closing prayer

Note: For each item, please take 5 minutes for financial status report, 10 minutes for operation update, and leave 5 minutes for general feedbacks.

Prayer request for a paralyzed 19 year old De Anza student/Ker-Ching

On 9/30 at our booth, we were told a sad story. Felix Hung, a 19 year old De Anza student, has been paralyzed for about a month at Stanford Hospital. Nancy Evans, his teacher, visited us at MFSV and asked us if we can help.
One of us visited Felix this evening, met his parents, and talked to him briefly. He is conscious and was able to ask a few questions and even say thank you. Felix and his father only speak Cantonese and English.
Doctors still do not know the exact cause of his problem. New blood sample was drawn this morning and will take about another month to get the complete result.
Please pray for Felix and his family.

Vocation: Come and See/Hai Hsia

Dear all,
Please forward this to as many young friends as you can. SJCCC members will get
this note through e-mail. I do not want to leave out any one.
Going visit these religious group and learn about their mission does not mean
that one will become nuns or priests. It is a good opportunity to learn about
so many different orders and their missions. If one can find a way to support
or encourage them, it will be great. In case one hear God's call.... that
will even be greater. No matter what, ask every one to accept the invitation.
just "Go and See".
God bless.
Hai Hsia

"Come and See" is the theme of the first diocesan Vocations Fair, Sat., Oct. 13.
It will be held at Holy Family Community Center, 4848 Pearl Ave, San Jose,
11:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Over 50 Religious orders will be represented including Jesuits, Poor Clares,
Sisters of Notre Dame, Sisters of Mercy and many more.
Just come and see, get to know the priests, seminarians, permanent deacons
and their missions.
Visit for more information.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Greetings from your Chinese Catholic Friends/Judy Sun







天主教是一個「正視人生者」的宗教。 生命充滿意義,值得我們一生去發掘,開拓生命領域,擴展人生視野。





有一件禮物 你收到沒有 眼睛看不到 你心會知道
這一件禮物 心門外等候 是為了你準備 別人不能收

生命有限 時光也會走 如果你不珍惜 機會難留
禮物雖然好 如果你不要 你怎麼能夠得到 怎麼能得到

親愛的朋友 你是否想到 馬槽的嬰孩是為你而來
親愛的朋友 你是否瞭解 最好的禮物是人子主耶穌

生命有限 時光也會走 如果你不珍惜 機會難留
禮物雖然好 如果你不要 你怎麼能夠得到 怎麼能得到


灣區天主教網頁: [聖荷西] [中半島] [費利蒙] [聯合市]

其他天主教網頁: [天主教資訊小集] [天主教亞洲真理電台] [香港天主教教友總會]

舊金山灣區綜合聯絡電話: (408)983-0211


Monday, October 1, 2007

ET thank you 2007 MFSV/Ker-Ching





第一天工作人員:潘宗璽.陳慶文.黃鳳美.陳鳳文.劉可慶.岳安邦.王緒常.周守華.陳昌宇.管玉民.高家琳.陳 禹.程曉淵.唐仁傑.曹綺雲.高愛華.郭淑英.黃德倫.朱玉蓉

第二天工作人員:潘宗璽.陳慶文.李慧君.李 漪.劉可慶.黃白藍.閃界強.陳文鍼.孫樂芬.陳昌宇.薛紹淵.姜新新.許明淑.陳 偉.陳星安.李佩貞.顧倩儀.詹紹慧.杜梅真.羅奐瑩.溫敏華



徐 琪.傅典端.詹紹慧:電郵短訊




陳 禹:提供精美水果



馮香娥.張錚錚.樂近英.劉希平.胡台娥.鄧佳鳳.鍾旭峰(陳禹的先生,請我們吃臭豆腐).李家真.孫明蘋.朱素瑩.彭家振.林 宜.魏德中.李姝蓉



我們需要加強:1)英文資訊:有其他族裔的朋友向我們索取英文資訊2)粵語的工作人員:有許多粵語同胞與會3) 來自中國的工作人員:有許多大陸同胞與會

To see day 1 photos on, click

To see day 2 photos on, click