Friday, April 16, 2010

Rosary session and memorial mass for Bill and Ana Tsai's father

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

This is a correction to the schedule of the memorial mass of Bill and Ana Tsai's father/father-in-law, instead of 8:00 PM, it should be 8:00 AM in the morning. The corrected schedule is given as follows:

   * Rosary session on Tuesday, April 20, 7:30 PM at the Alameda Funeral House in Saratoga;
   * Memorial mass on Saturday, April 24, 8:00 AM at the Ascension Church in Saratoga;

Sorry for the inconvenience.

In Christ,
SJCCC Chair Board


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

We are sorry to inform you that Bill and Ana Tsai's father/father-in-law has passed away on Monday. Please pray for his soul and body be rested peacefully in heaven. We'd like to present our deepest condolence to the family. The following is a message from Bill and Ana, who would like to invite you to:
Rosary session on Tuesday, April 20, 7:30 PM at the Alameda Funeral House in Saratoga;
Memorial mass on Saturday, April 24, 8:00 PM at the Ascension Church in Saratoga;

In Christ,
SJCCC Chair Board




時間: 4月 20日 7:30 PM
地點: 阿拉米達之家殯儀館
12341 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. Saratoga,CA

時間: 4月 24日  8:00 AM
地點:Ascension Church
19600 Prospect Rd., Saratoga, CA 95070


祝 主恩滿溢


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