Sunday, May 27, 2012

Please pray for our patron saints

Dear brothers and sisters,
請為我們的團體即將成為Mission祈禱, 並積極參與近期為我們團體的宗旨和主保聖人的分辨工作, 您的建議在此重要的過度期間尤為重要!
Check out our New Mission Home Page. Please pray for our community, and actively involve our discernment process for our Mission Statement and Patron Saints.
  • May 27th – The complete list of proposed saints is available
  • June 3rd – Everyone will be invited to vote on the list of saints。
  • The votes will be counted using ranked-choice voting method (排序投票制), this way, we will arrive at a patron that most people support。
  • The names with the top votes will be reviewed by the Pastoral Council and presented to the Bishop the following week。
  • June 10th – We will announce the final decision for our patron saint and make public our mission statement。 This will be a memorable event as we will be able for the first time to entrust our Mission to our patron saint!
  • July 8th – Mission Installation。

祈禱/Special Prayer:
進教之佑 請為我們祈禱/Mary Help of Christians, pray for us
中華聖母 請為我們祈禱/Our Lady of China, pray for us
大聖若瑟 請為我們祈禱/Saint Joseph, pray for us
聖保祿 請為我們祈禱/Saint Paul, pray for us
中華殉道聖人 請為我們祈禱/Martyrs of China, pray for us
聖方濟 . 薩威 請為我們祈禱/Saint Francis Xavier, pray for us
聖女小德蘭 請為我們祈禱/St. Therese of the Child Jesus, pray for us
Here are highlights of this week at

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Friendly Reminder: Mass of Feast of Mary 5/24 and New Mission Updates

Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ!

1. 進教之佑彌撒將於5/24 (週四)晚上7:30在樓上教堂舉行. 
   Mass of Feast of Mary, Help of Christians will be held at 7:30PM on 5/24 (Thur)
   Pop asked the whole world pray for Chinese church on 5/24 each year.

2. San Jose Chinese Mission:

Peace and joy in Lord,

Sunday, May 20, 2012

SJCCC Weekly eNews 5/20/2012

Dear brothers and sisters,
請為我們的團體即將成為Mission祈禱, 並積極參與近期為我們團體的宗旨和主保聖人的分辨工作, 您的建議在此重要的過度期間尤為重要!
Check out our New Mission Home Page. Please pray for our community, and actively involve our discernment process for our Mission Statement and Patron Saints.
Here are highlights of this week at
See website for other news and resources including:

Monday, May 14, 2012

SJCCC 5/13 weekly eNews

Dear brothers and sisters,
Happy Mother's Day!
請為我們的團體即將成為Mission祈禱, 並積極參與近期為我們團體的宗旨和主保聖人的分辨工作, 您的建議在此重要的過度期間尤為重要!
Check out our New Mission Home Page. Please pray for our community, and actively involve our discernment process for our Mission Statement and Patron Saints.
Here are highlights of this week at
See website for other news and resources including: