Sunday, December 26, 2010

12/26/10: Christmas Party pictures, Holy City Online, Silver/Golden Anniversary Celebration Mass

Dear brothers and sisters,
Celebrating Jesus' birthday, our SJCCC community presented an exciting Christmas party last night. Many thanks to the hard work of all volunteers, performers, and participants for working together making it happened:
  • Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. Feast: 1/1/2011 - 8:00AM at Ascension Church.
  • Holy Hour: 1/1/2011 - 7:30PM at St. Clare's Church.
  • Silver/Golden Anniversary Mass: Congratulations to all the God-blessed couples on 2/12/2011.
  • Pictures: Christmas Party.
  • Holy City Magazine: Nov/Dec Issue with 5 Chinese and 2 English articles. Please email articles to your friends and share them on Facebook!
Other Announcements: See website for other news including:
If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help, please send email to webteam @, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a peaceful week,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Prayer Request for Wen-Tao Chen

Dear Friends:

Although with significant improvements, thanks to all your prayers, my father will still need a spin surgery on 12/24 in Taiwan University Hospital . I am flying home tomorrow to be with my family. Would you please ask the community to continue praying for him, especially for the success of the surgery?

We put everything in God hands and hope He will keep blessing us with His grace.

I would also like to thank the friends of SJCCC. Thank you all for your prayers and warm regards.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

God bless,
Maria Chen

Sunday, December 19, 2010

12/19/10: Christmas schedule, Holy City Magazine

Dear brothers and sisters,
A special Christmas present to Jesus and to our community, the current issue of Holy City Magazine is available on our website (! (Many thanks to the hard work of the Holy City team, and, Theresa Hu, a new member of the Web Team!) Here are some highlights this week:

Other Announcements: See website for other news including:
If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help, please send email to webteam @, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a peaceful week,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

PS: Facebook members, please follow our Facebook page!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Funeral Announcement - 陳棠華弟兄


時間:  Monday, Dec 20th
       9:45am  恭唸玫瑰經(聖母軍+教友)
       10:00am 告別式 / 顧光中神父主禮 / 劉明毅姊妹協輔
       11:15am 移靈天堂之門
地點:  殯儀館 Lima-Campagna, 
       1315 Hollenbeck Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94087


Monday, December 6, 2010

December Council Meeting Agenda

Dear SJCCC Team Leaders and Members,
You are cordially invited to attend the December council meeting. 

Date: Thursday, December 9th, 2010
Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Place: St. Clare’s Classroom #5 

The agenda is as follows: 

1. Prayer/Faith Sharing
2. Faith Formation Retreat ( Anna Tsai )
3. St. Clare’s Parish Fr. George Aranha Installation Mass ( Kam Chow )
4. Mass intention registration update ( Jeanet Lee )
5. Song Book update.
6. Financial Report ( Therese Merrill )

In Christ,
Kam Chow

PS, For those who did not receive a printed hardcopy of "十二月八日 -- 恩寵聖時" (12/8 Feast of the Immaculate Conception & Hour of Grace), here is the PDF in Chinese & English:

Sunday, December 5, 2010

12/5/10: Faith Seminar, Advent events and Thanksgiving Pictures

Dear brothers and sisters,
Please say thanks to Professor George Cheng for handing out the 2011 calendar today! The calendar has all Catholic holidays and feast days, Chinese Lunar calendar, Pope's intentions, and a list of all Bay area Chinese Catholic churches and Mass times. What a wonderful resource! Also thank George for all his excellent work providing spiritual resources (bookstand and library) every week, rain or shine! If you did not get a calendar, stop by the bookstand next week and see if Prof. George still has one for you.

Here are some highlights from the SJCCC Website (, weekly news can be viewed/downloaded by clicking on:每週通訊 on the left. Thanks for saving a tree.

Other Announcements: See website for other news including:
If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help us, please send email to, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a loving week,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

PS: Facebook members, please follow our Facebook page!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Urgent prayer request

Dear brothers and sisters,
Please pray for father of Maria Chen (Choir, Lighthouse 1 leader), Wen-Tao Chen, he was in an accident and now in ICU in Cardinal Tien Hospital (天主教耕莘醫院) in Taiwan. He will have a spin surgery on Monday 12/6, and Maria hopes the community can pray for his successful surgery and recovery.

More information:

May God bless Maria's father and family.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

11/28/10: Fr. Jiang's Retreat pictures, upcoming Faith Seminar and Christmas Party

Dear brothers and sisters,
Have you noticed the colors in the church changed? It's the beginning of a new year with the Advent Season. Check out the new color at our SJCCC website! Our website is now viewed by about 300 people each week, the bulletin in pdf format can be viewed/printed from the SJCCC Website (, by clicking on:每週通訊 on the left. Thanks for saving a tree.

Other Announcements: See website for other news including:
If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help us, please send email to webteam @, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a peaceful week,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

PS: Follow us on Facebook!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

11/21/10: Faith Sharing Seminar, Thanksgiving Event

Dear brothers and sisters,
While praying, praising and enjoying the holiday season, let's support our Watermark high school students and bring our love, care, and GOD's faith to the homeless and poor people. Here are some new/updated articles on the San Jose Chinese Catholic Community website:

  • Faith Sharing Seminar: Fr, Jiang's Talk on 11/26/2010.
  • Thanksgiving Event: Invite all the ones you want to say "Thank you" to enjoy the once a year Thanksgiving event on 11/27 with Potluck and Karaoke.
  • Advent Alms ¡V Service Opportunity(NEW): Supporting our high school kids for their community service by donating affordable alms to make big difference to the poor.
  • Christmas Party (NEW): You can purchase tickets after mass, see more information.
  • Faith Sharing Seminar (NEW): Come and join the seminar with Joseph Shu on 12/10/2010.
  • Financial Statement (NEW): October Statement and announcement from Finance Team.
  • Pictures (NEW): Parent's participate fulfills each kid's memory while learning and growing. Let's see what CM 3 did during their Family Session on 11/14, A touching sharing from the teacher is included.
  • Bible Reading Resources (NEW): GOOD NEWS: We can downnload class notes online shared by our class mates. And it's never too late to join us.
Other Announcements: See website for other news including:
  • Catholicism Study: Meet monthly to talk about our Catholic faith. Check Nov. & Dec. agenda and schedule.
  • Enneagram workshops: Two session of Enneagram Workshops on 1/8/2011-1/9/2011 and 1/15/2011-1/16/2011, lead by Sister Shiao. Register online to reserve your spot.
  • RCIA: Due to Thanksgiving holidy, no meeting next Week (11/29). See the program schedule. Please don't forget to invite friends after Thanksgiveing and continue pray for evangelization.
  • Reminders: this week's Gospel Reflections.
  • Do you need the SJCCC Prayer team to pray for your intentions? Send an email to: or use the Prayer Intentions Web Page. Everything is kept confidential. (contact same email if you would like to be part of the prayer team.)
If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help us, please send email to, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a joyful week,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fr. Jiang's Talk, Catholicism Study, Union Mass booklet online

Dear brothers and sisters,
Thanksgiving holiday is coming on the way. While approaching our liturgical new year, let's join and enjoy each community activities with relaxing and thankful heart. Here are some new/updated articles on the San Jose Chinese Catholic Community website:

Other Announcements: See website for other news including:
  • Enneagram workshops: Two session of Enneagram Workshops on 1/8/2011-1/9/2011 and 1/15/2011-1/16/2011, lead by Sister Shiao. Register online to reserve your spot.
  • RCIA: Next topic is Meaning to Join Mass. See the program schedule. Please invite friends and pray for evangelization.
  • Reminders: this week's Gospel Reflections
  • Do you need the SJCCC Prayer team to pray for your intentions? Send an email to: prayer-intentions @ or use the Prayer Intentions Web Page. Everything is kept confidential. (contact same email if you would like to be part of the prayer team.)
If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help us, please send email to webteam @, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a joyful week,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Friday, November 12, 2010

李家同教授講座: 11-13

Dear Members of SJCCC:

There will be a seminar by 李家同教授 tomorrow morning from 10am-12noon.  If you are interested, check out the link below.  Feel free to pass the info to others.


李家同教授明天在灣區有一個講座(see link above). 請有興趣的朋友攜朋帶友, 踴躍參加.


Chair board of SJCCC

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

November Council Meeting agenda

Dear SJCCC Team Leaders and Members,

You are cordially invited to attend the November council meeting.
Date: Thursday, November 11th, 2010
Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Place: St. Clare’s Classroom #5
The agenda is as follows: 

1. Prayer/Faith Sharing
2. Sharing of Following St. Paul’s Footstep Pilgrimage experience ( Frank Yu )
3. Sharing of the China trip experience ( George Cheng )
4. Report of the Community Food Service for Catholic Charities on 10/28 ( An-Pung )
5. St. Clare’s Parish Facility security and cleanliness issue ( An-Pung )
6. Discussion of sale of a CD composed by Jesuits ( Yvonne Chow )
7. Song Book/Use of Projector update.
8. Financial Report ( Therese Merrill )
In Christ,

Kam Chow

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fr. O Birthday Pictures, Advent Retreat, Thanksgiving Event, Prayer Group

Dear brothers and sisters,
Tuesday is Fr. Olivera's Birthday, please remember to pray for him. Here are some new/updated articles on the San Jose Chinese Catholic Community website:

Other Announcements: See website for other news including:
If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help us, please send email to webteam @, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a joyful week,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Thursday, November 4, 2010

首週六明供聖體 Holy Hour


每月首周六的明供聖體活動將於本周六晚上7:30PM在樓上教堂舉行! 懇請大家踴躍來聖堂, 守聖詩, 供聖體. 靜享與天主共處的時光.


SJCCC 主席團敬邀

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How to Subscribe to SJCCC eNews?

It's very easy to subscribe to SJCCC eNew!
  • At SJCCC main page (, click on "eNews Subscription" on the lower left hand side. 
  • Just enter an email and click Subscribe. :)
There are two ways to unsubscribe:
1. same as above, but click on Unsubscribe.
2. in the eNew we send out, there is always an unsubscribe link at the bottom, it will take you to the same web page.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Monday Mass, Family Harmony Seminar, and Burning Bush

Dear brothers and sisters,
Please remember to come to All Saints Day Mass on Monday. Here are some new/updated articles on the San Jose Chinese Catholic Community website:

Other Announcements: See website for other news including:
If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help us, please send email to webteam @, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a Godly week,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Saturday, October 30, 2010

[Watermark] Special Halloween Boom Sizzle B.A.R.F Day!

Hi Watermark!

Get your costumes ready and invite all your friends because this coming Saturday (10/30) we'll be having a special Boom Sizzle B.A.R.F. Day!  For those that don't know, B.A.R.F stands for Bring A Random Friend.  This will be an opportunity to invite your friends to experience the awesomeness of Boom Sizzle all while wearing ridiculous costumes.  We will be having a normal Boom Sizzle (with a slightly modified schedule), but we will also have a costume contest, Halloween themed games and snacks.  You don't want to miss this!

WHO: ALL OF YOU + Your Friends!
WHEN: OCTOBER 30, 2010 @ 7:30pm
*Wear your costumes and be prepared to EAT and PLAY
*Costume Contest
*Halloween Themed Games
*Yummy Snacks

God Bless!

Watermark Youth Group (est 1993)
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Friday, October 29, 2010

Security - facilities

Attention Everyone,

I checked the Hall/Gym yesterday afternoon & found 3 of the 5 exterior doors unlocked/open. We need to remind ALL users
of the Hall/Gym (staff, faculty, parishioners/communities/societies/groups) to remember to make sure all the doors are locked after they finish using the venue. They also need to be reminded to check that the windows are closed & locked. I won't single out any specific user(s), but this issue transcends interest or ethnicity. All groups have, at one time or another, been guilty of being lax in following Hall security procedures. We have been fortunate that there have not been any 'break-ins'  that could have caused major damage to the Hall.

Again, ALL groups must be more diligent in following the security closing procedures when they finish using the Hall. The laxity is not limited to the Hall building. Numerous other times I have found doors left open & unlocked in the Church, both Elementary & Middle school buildings, the Rectory & the storage/garage areas.

Please post, email, announce, include in bulletins, or by any other means, distribute this important reminder to ALL.

Thanks for your time & attention on this important matter.


Ed Almazol
Facilities Manager
St. Clare Parish/School

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reminder for Ricci Field Trip

Dear Parents and teachers of SHS:

Peace in Lord!

This is a friendly reminder for all the families who likes to go to the field trip at USF on 11/13/2010.  To make your registration process easier,please refer to the following link ( and register online.  The contact information is for the follow up announcement purpose only.  We need the total head-count by this coming Sunday.  So, please go online and register now.  Even though you have reported to your kids' room parents, please register again online.  Your participation is gratefully appreciated.  If you have any question, please email shs @ immediately.  We will contact you as soon as possible.

May God bless you and your family always.



2010的利瑪竇中心參觀旅報名將於本周日截止. 請有興趣參加的家長以及老師們儘快報名. 為了方便大家報名和統計, 請上網: 登記. 您的聯絡資料只是用來後續的通知, 不做任何其他儲存和使用. 即使您已經向您子女的班代表報名, 還是請您在網上登記. 非常感謝您的參與和支持. 如果有任何問題, 請email shs @ 我們會儘快與您連絡.

God bless you and your family always.

Sacred Heart School
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Sunday, October 24, 2010

10/24: Family Workshop, Advent Silent Retreat, Thanksgiving Event

Dear brothers and sisters,
We are so blessed to celebrate the World Youth Day togehter as a family in our Union Mass. Many thanks to Xiuli and team to create the Chinese Mass book for the children! Here are some new/updated articles on the San Jose Chinese Catholic Community website:

If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help us, please send email to, thank you! Congratulations and thanks to the Liturgy Group Ministers commissioned today. May God bless your services for God and for the community!

May God bless you and your family with a joyful week,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Thursday, October 21, 2010

10/23 Saturday Watermark Potluck and Parent Group Workshop

Dear Watermark Parents,

Please be reminded that this Saturday, 10/23, the Watermark parents will have a potluck with the Watermark teens and young adults from 6 PM to 7:15PM at the lower church. 

Afterwards, the parents will regroup in room 2 for the workshop from 7:30 PM to 10 PM.  The topic will be
"Understand our kids and the popular culture they live in", our panel speakers include 潘齊家, 陳莉娜, 張永錦, Patrick Ku, and Helena Geefay.  Facilitator will be 谷偉業.  Some discussion questions include:
  • What are the characteristics of the popular culture?
  • When our kids addict to computer games or internet, what/how shall we react?
  • When our kids have different views with us (dating, moral value), what should we do?
  • When our kids do not agree with Church teaching or drift away from faith, what shall we do?
  • How can we create a right atmosphere so that our kids are willing to communicate with us?
Thank you very much for your participation and support.  Look forward to seeing all of you Saturday.

Amy, JunFen, and Wendar

Sunday, October 17, 2010

10/17: Ricci Field Trip, Family Seminar, Advent Retreat

Dear brothers and sisters,
Such a blessed weekend with three weddings and many anniversaries in our community! Please contact us if you want to share pictures and videos from community events. Here are some new/updated articles on the San Jose Chinese Catholic Community website:

If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help us, please send email to, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a joyful week,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Save A Tree! The bulletin in pdf format can be viewed/printed at the SJCCC Website (, by clicking on:每週通訊 on the left. 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

生活講座: 漫談家庭和諧與有效溝通的原則

不論是在工作場合或家庭中,多數人都會同意:「做事容易,做人難!」,人與人之間的相處真是不容易!這是因為「做事」有固定程序,而「做人」是多樣化的。天主創造每一個人都具有獨特性質,且給予「人」有自由意志;每個人不僅身體結構精密複雜且心智內涵更是豐富又多變化,所以人與人之間的溝通互動真是件不容易的事,然而「家和萬事興」,「與人有好的人際關係是事業成功及身心愉快的關鍵」。慶幸的是自古至今一直不斷的有很多學派的心理學家,家族治療工作者等等專家著書立言,提供研究心得及指導我們:如何更認識了解人的心智� o展及如何與人建立良好的人際關係等等。希望經由我們彼此互相學習分享心理學家的研究知識,加上靈修,將耶穌的教導內化並實踐在生活中,可以幫助我們更了解自己,且讓我們的家庭及教會大家庭更和諧圓滿。歡迎闔家與會!




時間:2010年11月06日 星期六上午:9點到12點
地點: Parish Hall

Monday, October 11, 2010

October Council Meeting

Dear SJCCC Team Leaders and Members,
You are cordially invited to attend the October council meeting.

Date: Thursday, October 14th, 2010
Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Place: St. Clare’s Classroom #5

The agenda is as follows:

1. Prayer/Faith Sharing
2. Sharing of Catholic Faith in Shaanxi Province in China by Rose Cheng 
3. Support and budget request for Community Lunch and Dinner Service
4. Watermark group diner support ( Jeanet Lee )
5. Mass intention registration ( Jeanet Lee )
6. Other items update: 
    Mike Pan Bible Reading Survey result, Song book/Use of Project in Mass,
7. Financial Report ( Therese Merrill )

In Christ,

Kam Chow

Sunday, October 10, 2010

10/10 Fr Koo+Pope Video, Read Bible in 1-Year, Angel Island Trip

Dear brothers and sisters,
Thank you for your support of the web ministry. Someone came to RCIA today by finding about our church from the web. Praise and thank God! Please pass this email and our web address to others. Please 'like' us and become our fan on Facebook, this will help our church continue to grow. Here are some new/updated articles on the San Jose Chinese Catholic Community website:

If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help us, please send email to, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a loving week,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

PS, The bulletin in pdf format can be viewed/printed at the SJCCC Website (, by clicking on:每週通訊 on the left.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Parish Picture Directory

為慶祝St. Clare’s Parish 成立85 週年。本堂神父 Fr. George Aranha 誠懇的邀請大家參與教友照片專刊 ( Parish Picture Directory )活動。10年前,本堂有部份團體成員參加過相同的活動。這次將有華人團體專欄 ( Chinese Community Session ) 以便更有團體感與方便尋找。大家可依自己方便的時間,安排由專業攝影師在rectory為大家拍照,凡參與者均可免費收到一張 8x10的照片及專刊。也可以自由選購更多的照片做為家庭或個人留念。10/10本主日彌撒後請與李志慈或秘書組登記。從10/12至10/16也可以在www.stclareparish.org網站上登記,請注明為SJCCC成員。最後一天攝影為10/16. 謝謝大家的支持.

To celebrate the 85 anniversary of St. Clare’s Parish, our pastor, Fr. George Aranha would like to request your support of the parish picture directory. There will be a Chinese Community Session in the directory. That will make it easier to locate our members. All who get their picture taken will receive a complimentary 8x10 picture and a directory. Please sign up for appointments with Jeanet Lee or our secretary team after this Sunday mass. Family may also register online from 10/12 through 12/16 by accessing the parish website and follow the link, please specify you are a SJCCC member. The last date of picture taking is Saturday 10/16. Thank you very much for your attention and support.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

10/3: Respect Life, Prayer/Book Club, Pictures - SHS & Legion of Mary

Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are some new/updated articles on the San Jose Chinese Catholic Community website:

If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help us, please send email to, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a peaceful week,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Friday, October 1, 2010

Facility booking at St. Clare's Parish

Dear all,

I have been advised by Mary Parks, the office manager of St. Clare’s Parish that she has received facility booking from various SJCCC members. In order to eliminate confusion, from now on, Mary will only accept SJCCC facility reservation from our secretary team. Irene Tang (湯明昭) is the primary contact person, with Hui-Chun Lin (陳惠群), and Theresa Hu (胡慧) as backups.

The following are their contact information:
Irene Tang (湯明昭), Tangmc06 @
Hui-Chun Lin (陳惠群),  hui_chun_lin @,
Theresa Hu (胡慧),  theresahhui @,

For non SJCCC directly sponsored activities, please let Fr. Olivera know ahead of time. Your attention and cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

In Christ,
Kam Chow

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

[Watermark] Rec Day!

Hi Watermark!

Our first Rec Day is coming up soon!  As we've been announcing for the last two weeks, the Dioceses of Northern California are sponsoring the ONFIRE NorCal Jam 2010 featuring Matt Maher.  It will be all day on Saturday, October 16 and will be our Rec Day event (that means no Boom Sizzle).  

Because we will be traveling and buying tickets together, the deadline to register for this event will be Sunday, October 3.  Please turn in permission slips (which are attached) to Pat.  Beyond this deadline, you will be responsible for your own rides and your own tickets.  If you have any questions, please email Pat at patrick.ku @

God Bless!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

9/26: Consolation Ministry, Adoration, Pictures from Rite of Acceptance

Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are some new/updated articles on the San Jose Chinese Catholic Community website:

If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help us, please send email to, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a joyful week,
San Jose Chinese Catholic Community

Thursday, September 23, 2010

9/19: Prayer Request, Book club, pictures from Watermark Parents meeting

Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are some new/updated articles on the SJCCC website:

If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help us, please send email to, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a loving week,
SJCCC Web Team

PS, The bulletin in pdf format can be viewed/printed at the SJCCC Website (, by clicking on:每週通訊 on the left.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

9/19 同工派遣禮 makeup

Dear all,

There will be commissioning of the Sacred Heart School teachers during the Union Sunday Mass on 9/19.

We shall also take this opportunity to perform commissioning of the following group members who did not get commissioned on 8/15.
(1)     New group or new group members since 8/15. Such as new members of Choir group, new Faith Sharing group etc.
(2)     Members in your group that were missed last time.
(3)     Members who were absent on 8/15 and they prefer to be present when they are commissioned.

Please send me their names so that they can participate in this important process.

Thank you very much.

God bless,
Kam Chow

Sunday, September 12, 2010

[Watermark] First Boom Sizzle and a Volunteer Opportunity

Hi Watermark!

Though summer is over, Boom Sizzle(TM) is back and in full force!  As usual, for the first one of the year, we go big and do it potluck style.  This year, however, the main dish will be provided.  All high schoolers are invited to come and join in on the fun.  Parents are invited as well.  We will be having a separate Parents Meeting during the course of the festivities.

To essentials:
Who: High Schoolers and Parents
What: First Watermark Boom Sizzle of 2010-2011
When: Saturday, 9/18 from 6:30PM - 10:00PM
Where: St. Clare's Lower Church
Food Assignments:
Seniors - Desserts
Juniors - Appetizers
Sophomores - Desserts
Freshmen - Drinks

and here's a volunteer opportunity for anyone who's interested:

Place: M.T. Liang Senior Center, Self-Help for the Elderly, 1050 St. Elizabeth Drive, San Jose CA 95126
Time: 8am-1pm, Oct. 9, 2010
         All Groups: 8-9am: Set up tents, tables and chairs.

         Group 1: 9~10am Traffic Patrol, 10~11am Leading Walk, 11am~12pm Serve Lunch
         Group 2: 9~11am Registration Table, 11am~12pm Serve Lunch
         Group 3: 9am~12pm Restroom Patrol
         Group 4: 9am~12pm Lunch Preparation

         All Groups: 12-1pm: Lunch & Clean up
Community Service: 5 hour Certificate
Anyone who is interested please email Lina Pan (linap @ to sign up by Sep.17 noon.

9/12: School & Watermark starting, Bible Reading Survey

Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are some new/updated articles on the SJCCC website:

If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help us, please send email to, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a loving week,
SJCCC Web Team

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bible reading proposals Survey

Dear group leaders,

In order to enhance our faith and our Biblical knowledge, the Board has invited Mike Pan (潘齊家) to hold a Bible Reading Group. I would like to express appreciation for his willingness to contribute his effort.  
The followings are three proposals from Mike:
(1)     Read 6 pages of the Bible per day. The Bible can be read through in one year.  
(2)     Read the Sunday Mass Gospel and Readings.
(3)     Discussion of some important topics such as 救恩 復活 聖母etc.
Although we would like Mike to help in all three of above proposals for the most benefit of our community, due to time and resource limitation Mike is able to do one at a time.
We would like to know which of the above three is most appealing to everyone. Please help us by asking your team members to complete the survey form. The time shown on the form is tentative, feel free to make suggestion if there is a conflict of schedule.
Turn in the survey in hard copy or by email before 9/25 to An-Pung Yueh (ap3088 @ , or to our secretary, Irene Tang (Tangmc06 @ , Hui-Chun Chen, or Theresa Hu.
Thank you very much for your attention and cooperation.

God bless,
Kam Chow

Survey Form:

Monday, September 6, 2010

September Council Meeting

Dear SJCCC Team Leaders and Members, 

You are cordially invited to attend the September council meeting. 

Date: Thursday, September 9th
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Place: St. Clare's Classroom #5 

The agenda is as follows: 

1. Prayer/Faith Sharing
2. Review of August Meeting minutes
3. Practicing how to pray - 播種祈禱的種子,五週日常生活祈禱練習 ( Ana Tsai )
4. Enneagram Workshop ( Anna Tsai )
5. Faith Sharing Group ( Joseph Chiang )
6. Mike Pan's Bible Reading Format Survey
7. Ministry of Consolation Workshop ( Rosa Wang )
8. LA Congress committee update ( Joseph Ku )
9. Christmas Party Planning ( Chin-Wen Chen )
10. Financial Report ( Therese Merrill )

In Christ,
Kam Chow

Configure Dada Mail to send Chinese Emails

To Configure Dada Mail to send Emails in Chinese (Big5) by default:

1. add the Chinese char set in: ~/www/cgi-bin/dada/DADA: change
  • Change:
  • $HTML_CHARSET ||= 'iso-8859-1';
  • To:
  • $HTML_CHARSET ||= 'big5';  
    # $HTML_CHARSET ||= 'iso-8859-1';
  • Add:
    'Chinese Traditional (Big5) big5',
  • Change:
  • charset => 'English (en) iso-8859-1',
  • To:
  • # charset => 'English (en) iso-8859-1',
    charset => 'Traditional Chinese (Big 5) big5',

2. Configure Dada Mail front end to use Chinese as default
  • Select "Sending Options" on the left panel
  • Select "Advanced" on the bottom
  • Change "Default Character Set of Mailings " to 'Traditional Chinese (Big 5) big5'
3. It's also recommended that before you send an email, on your browser, change the  Character Encoding to Chinese Traditional (Big5), in Firefox, this is under "View->Character Encoding"

Sunday, September 5, 2010

9/5: Prayer Group Meeting & Teachers' Retreat pictures

Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are some new/updated articles on the SJCCC website:

If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help us, please send email to, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a loving week,
SJCCC Web Team

The bulletin in pdf format can be viewed/printed at the SJCCC Website (, by clicking on:每週通訊 on the left. 

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

SJCCC Choir Conductor and Leader

Dear Maria and Geoff,

On my behalf and that of our Chaplain Fr. Olivera, Chair Board, and all Council members of SJCCC, please allow me to convey my congratulation to Maria Shao and Geoff Teng for their resumption of the role of Music Director and Choir Leader respectively within our community. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Vivian Chu for her leadership and contribution with which she has blessed the Choir Group while Maria was away.

May joy and peace be with you all always.

In Christ,
Kam Chow

From:Vivian Chu 
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2010 6:14 PM
Subject: SJCCC Choir Conductor and Leader

Dear Council chair and members,

It is my privilege and pleasure to introduce the returning Conductor/Music Director, Maria Shao, and Choir  Leader, Geoff Teng.  They will take over my position as 9/1/2010, to serve the people and church of SJCCC for the next term.  Please welcome and introduce them to all council members.  Please add them both onto your council meeting distribution list.  Thank you.

Vivian Chu

Sunday, August 29, 2010

SJCCC 8/29: Adoration & Sister Yueh retreat pictures

Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are some new/updated articles on the SJCCC website:

If you have community pictures to share, or you would like to help us, please send email to, thank you!

May God bless you and your family with a joyful week,
SJCCC Web Team

Sunday, August 22, 2010

SJCCC 8/22: RCIA and Famous Paintings Seminar Pictures

Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are some new/updated articles on the SJCCC website:

May God bless you and your family with a peaceful week,
SJCCC Web Team

Sunday, August 15, 2010

SJCCC 8/15: Weekend retreat, school update, and prayer request

Dear brothers and sisters,
Here are some new/updated articles on the SJCCC website:

May God bless you and your family with a peaceful week,
SJCCC Web Team

Saturday, August 14, 2010

8/15 同工派遣禮

Dear all,

This is to inform you all that there will be a rite of commissioning (同工派遣禮) for the Advisory Board members, Bible Study Group leaders,  Regional Group leaders, and Functional Group leaders and team members in the Sunday Mass on 8/15.
Let us pray to God to empower them for the work of ministry.

In Christ,
Kam Chow

Monday, August 9, 2010

[Watermark] Clean up and Camping Aftermath

Hi Watermark!

A few announcements:

1.  The date of our Lower Church Clean Up Day has been moved up!  It will now be happening this Thursday, 8/12 from 7PM - 10PM.  We will be setting up our new chairs, getting rid of the old ones, re-organizing the back room and classroom, among other things.  Then, at the end of the night, we will be enjoying our reinvigorated worship space with a time of Adoration with Fr. O!

2.  Camping 2010 was a blast!  However, the items left at St. Clare's was a mess!  There were pots/pans, clothes, a camping chair, a burner, etc.  If you have things you left behind, please plan on picking it up on Thursday at our clean up day or on Sunday after mass.  If neither of these times work, please e-mail Pat at patrick.ku @ to schedule a time.
See you on Thursday!