Friday, March 2, 2012

New members for SJCCC Pastoral Council - Chinese and English version

(See below for Chinese Version.  中文版在英文的後面)

Dear brothers and sister of SJCCC,
On February 18th, we sent an email to all of you to communicate the imperative need of establish and strengthen our Pastoral Council in order to prepare effectively our community for the canonical status of Mission.
Following our request, the main group leaders of the community suggested thirty possible names as candidates to become new members of the Pastoral Council; fifteen of them accepted to participate in a discernment process on February 25th.
The discernment process meeting was very inspiring and gave us the opportunity to listen the voice of the community on important issues for short and long term planning and action.
Two days after the discernment meeting, reviewing the data, praying and considering again the results, we realized that it was pretty clear that we had already got the desired number of people for the Pastoral Council.
Today we officially announce the five new members for the Pastoral Council: Teresa Lai (賴照), Tien-Pao Shi (施天), Tony Fu (傅典), Patrick Ku () and Henry Shu (舒弘宇). This is a good opportunity to give them our most sincere congratulations and thanksgiving for their generous acceptance.
Five of them together with the current three members: Simon Liao (廖煥), Louis An-Pang Yueh (岳安) and James Hua (華正) will bring our Interim Pastoral Council to a number of eight members, a very good number that represent very well our community. On Sunday, March 4th during 3.00pm Mass, we will have a blessing and commissioning ceremony for them.
To prepare our Mission is the task of everyone in community. Please keep praying for this intention and let us be ready all together during following months to make our best dreams real for the Most Glory of God
God bless!
Fr. Olivera and the discernment committee (Louis An-Pung Yueh, James Hua, Simon Liao and Ken Wang).
為了更充分地準備我們團體順利過度到符合天主教法規Mission, 我們於二月十八日向團體發信表達了增固牧靈委員會的迫切需求
根據我們的要求, 我們的幹事團推舉了30位候選者, 其中15位答應了召叫, 並參加了二月二十五日的審選會議
審選會議非常順利, 我們聆聽了他們代表團體關於我們團體目前和長遠規劃的重大問題的聲音
在審查會議慎重考量和不斷祈禱的兩天後, 我們確定了最後的名單
今天, 在天主的恩寵下, 我們正式宣布如下五位成員加入牧靈位員會: 賴照(Teresa Lai)、施天(Tien-Pao Shi)、傅典(Tony Fu)、古(Patrick Ku) 以及 舒弘(Henry Shu) 讓我們向他們獻上最誠摯的祝福和感謝
他們五位將配合現有的三位牧靈委員: 廖煥(Simon Liao), 岳安(Louis An-Pang Yueh) and華正(James Hua) 組成八個成員的過渡期牧靈委員會, 代表我們團體所有信友的聲音本主日, 三月四號下午三點的彌撒中, 他們將接受降福和派遣禮
為過度到Mission 做準備是我們每一個人的職責請為這意向祈禱, 讓我們一起在未來的幾個月做好充分的準備, 為光榮天主的極大恩寵, 實現我們的美好願望

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