Monday, February 6, 2012

Tips to reduce photo size for uploads

I usually use Photoshop Element to process photos, but it's not a free software. I also have a free photo editor: Photoscape, which you can download from the internet.

I tried the following procedure with Photoscape to save jpeg files to smaller jpeg files:
  1. Start Photoscape
  2. Click Batch Editor
  3. Select the photos that you want to downsize and move them to the main panel. (You shall see the file names listed on the top panel.)
  4. Do not change anything (unless you want to do more editing) and click "Convert All"
  5. Set where and in what names the new files will be saved, select JPEG Quality (70 is still adequate for web viewing), and click "Save".
[Thanks to Shingmin for the tip!]

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