Thursday, May 12, 2011

Town Hall on Monday 5/16


鑒於教友徐伯初弟兄及四十餘位教友連署要求主席團召開公聽會,對主教府有關神父之去留及團體組織更改之指示,其過程和可能對團體的影響做出說明一事,經主 席團緊急會議討論之後決定於五月十六日(星期一)晚七至十時舉行,並邀請徐伯初弟兄担任主持人。地點在樓下教堂。希望全體教友参加。


Dear SJCCC members,

In response to a petition requesting a town hall meeting to address the process and the implication of the staying of our priest and the restructuring of SJCCC, this is to inform you that a meeting is to be held at 7:00pm-10:00pm Monday, May 16th in the St. Clare Parish Lower Church. The chair board and Fr. Olivera will be present to answer questions. Po Choo Hsu has been appointed to be the moderator. All SJCCC members are encouraged to attend.

In Christ,


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