Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Prayer Request for Shirley Moore's Soul

Dear brother and sister in Christ:

At noon a sister of John Moore pass away, her name was Shirley Moore. Please pray for her soul. Thank you!

Fr. Olivera

Following is the message from Judith Moore:

Happy New Year!

Shirley is the last sibling John had of his four boys and one girl family. She was a Catholic but out of her three sons only one, Dahl, is a practicing Catholic. And Dahl is in Mississippi . I just want to do something for her soul.  I would like to  request prayers from our devoted faithful members of the community to pray for her rest in favor of our Lord.  She had a very rough life and was lost for most of her life.  She did came back to the church in the last few years.  When I prayed with her three days before her death (January 3rd ), I got the feeling she was afraid of facing our good Lord.

Your prayers mean a lot for John. Chinese community has been our family for more than a quarter century.


God bless!

Judith Moore

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