Monday, June 22, 2009

SJCCC eNews: Funeral Schedule for Mrs. Sheau-Yin Hsia




玫瑰經頌唸 6月26日,星期五,上午 10:00 - 10:30
喪禮彌撤:6月26日,星期五,上午 10:30 - 12:00,由歐禮惟神父主祭。
地點:St. Clare 本堂, 724 Washington St. Santa Clara。
花圈,花籃代訂:Josephine Chou (FCSN), (510)739-6900, ext. 3303
慈善捐款:"Friends of Children with Special Needs, FCSN", 請註明 "in memory of Sheau-Yin Hsia"
聯络:Alan Hsia ( 408) 238-5529

It is with great sadness to announce that Sheau-Yin Hsia, wife of Peter Cheng-Ming and mother of Joanne, Jenny, & Alan Hsia, passed away suddenly on June 20th at age 59 from cancer. The Funeral Mass will take place on Friday, 26 June at St Clare's, Washington St, Santa Clara from 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM. Fr. Olivera will be presiding. A Rosary service will take place at 10AM at the Church.

Please contact Josephine Chou at the FCSN mainline 510-739-6900, ext. 3303. if you would like to make a floral tribute. She will be coordinating all orders.
If you wish to make a charitable contribution, please direct it to "Friends of Children with Special Needs (FCSN)" and note "in memory of Sheau-Yin Hsia." FCSN was an organization very dear to Sheau-Yin, and one into which she poured much energy and love.

For more information please call Alan Hsia at 408-238-5529

May the body and soul of 任小音姊妹 be rested peacefully in heaven,
SJCCC Chair Board

1 comment:

Ian Suen said...

任小音病逝 享年59歲
世界日報記者黃美惠聖荷西24日報導June 25, 2009

slideshow 社區義工、當年參與發起特殊兒童之友會(FCSN)的任小音與病魔搏鬥兩年多,19日從南加州返回聖荷西家裡的路途中,安然離世,享年59歲。殯葬彌撒26日上午10時30分在聖荷西華人天主教會舉行。位於聖他克拉拉St. Clare's Church的華人天主教會,任小音早年亦曾參與組織。

任小音的夫婿是夏成銘,夏成銘曾任聖心中文學校校長、北加州中文學校聯合會會長、全美中文學校聯合總會會長。他表示,妻子生前熱心公益,樂當義工,但從不出鋒頭,都是默默替大家弄吃的、幫忙張羅開會,是一個很好的「陪伴者」。他說,有人是Human doing,任小音則是Human BEING。



任小音育有兒子夏先慶、女兒夏佩聖、夏芸聖,她有三個外孫。殯葬彌撒的教會地址是941 Lexington St., Santa Clara的St. Clare's Church,26日追思彌撒,次日安葬Gate of Heaven墓園。