Monday, February 23, 2009

SJCCC: Lent Season Activities

Dear brothers and sisters:

The Lent season is just around the corner. In order to have a better preparation to our spiritual life, a series of activities is given as follows:

1. 聖灰瞻禮, 中文禰撒 - Ash Wednesday Chinese Mass
時間:7:30 pm,2/25 (週三)
2. 病人敷油聖事, 英文彌撒 - Anointing of the Sick
St. Clare Church 於3/3 (週二) 5:30 pm, 歡迎教友參加。
3. 四旬期中,每週五6:00pm有各族裔聯合拜苦路 - Multi-lingual Community Stations of the Cross 6pm on Fridays during lent
中英雙語特別在 3/13, 4/3。歡迎大家一起祈禱 (Chinese + English on 3/13 and 4/3)
4.四旬期團體和好聖事 - Lent Community Reconciliation
時間:7:30 pm,3/19 (週四)
5. 四旬期避靜 - Lent Retreat
主題: 福音中的苦難記述
神師: 馬爾定神父
時間: 3/21,9:00 am - 4:30 pm 
地點: St. Clare 教堂 Parish Hall 
9:30-10:30 First talk
10:30-11:15 Personal Prayer
11:15-12:00 2nd talk
12:00-12:30 Personal Prayer
12: 30-1:30 Lunch Break
1:45-2:15 Station of the Cross
2:15-3:30 Sharing Grace
3:45 Mass
Please register with Ms. Irene Tang (408)216-9848

God Bless
SJCCC Chair Board

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