Friday, February 20, 2009

Re: Evangelism mtg at 1pm on this coming Sunday, 1/22? - Yvonne Chow

Dear all,

The last email was a kind of lengthy, I'll summarize the [Evangelism Prayer Community] briefly:

The basic patten is:
- a group of Catholic to pray for the possible candidates (non-Catholics) - ask for God's inspiration, be closer to the candidates, and invite them at the proper time
- A core group of Catholics gather weekly (or 3 out of 4 weeks each month) and the primary goal of the gathering is for direct evangelism
- Before non-Catholics join in, this core group of the Catholic gathers weekly to experience and familiar with the methods of this Evangelism Prayer Community for several months
- This EPC should be easy for non-Catholic to participate in and no stress: sing simple songs which they can follow easily, learn Catholic basic and simple prayers, a short "theme" sharing, life sharing, personal prayer requests, and snack at the end
- At the end of the 3 - 4 months gathering with the non-Catholics, offers a retreat. In the retreat, it includes to lay hands over and pray for non-Catholics
- Non-Catholics will join the RCIA when they are ready

We can discuss more details this Sunday. Please let me know if you can come at 1pm on this Sunday, 2/22 in Room #6.



--- On Tue, 2/17/09, Yvonne Chow wrote:
From: Yvonne Chow
Subject: Evangelism in our community
To: "Alberto Olivera" , "Li-Peng Chou" , "Joseph Ku" , "Helena Ru" , "Po Choo Hsu" , "irene tang" , "George Cheng" , "Tony Fu" , "Lawrence Chow"
Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2009, 11:16 PM

Dear Fr. O. and chair board members,

After listened Fr. Ai talked about [101 Evangelism Prayer Community] to various groups/people for two weeks, I would like to share some of my thoughts about the evangelism in our community. After talked to Joseph who is in charge of the Welcoming event, he suggested me to send everyone an email. This is a quick draft, please comment. I also think we should include the 20/20 Evangelism team in the early discussion, we need their expertis and experiences to do a reality check.

1. Preparation

a. SJCCC Community

i. Novena starting 2/22 – individual prays for the non-Catholic’s name to invite

ii. Each groups (Bible study, choir, charismatic … etc.) pray for 3 – 5 names to invite and bring to the Welcoming Event, and be preparing to be their sponsors later

iii. Invite the individual when the time is right – 2 weeks before the event

iv. Pray for the success in the Intercessory prayer every mass

b. Evangelism Prayer Group - new

i. To form the group and start to meet weekly ASAP

ii. To learn the method/spirit of the [Evangelism Prayer Community] within 2 months – adapt Fr. Aldirch’s [101]

iii. To plan the meeting (with non-Catholics) after the Welcoming Event

1. To accompany those sign-up non-Catholics from May to August,

2. if anyone who is ready for RCIA will move to RCIA in Sept.

3. Those who are not ready yet, will stay in this Prayer Community until they are ready

4. Non-Catholics are welcome to join this Evangelism Prayer Community anytime

c. Welcoming Event

i. To form a planning committee

ii. Call and follow-up those who came a year ago

2. Welcoming Event –

a. Suggested Date/time: The (2nd) Sunday after Easter, 4/26

i. 10:00 a.m. – sign in / social / welcome

ii. 10:10 a.m. – sing songs, easy for non-Catholic to follow

iii. 10:30 a.m. – testimony #1

iv. 10:50 a.m. – break

v. 11:00 a.m. – church tour slide show or Choir performance

vi. 11:15 a.m. – testimony #2

vii. 11:35 a.m. – Q & A

viii. 11:55 a.m. – collect individual prayer request

ix. Noon – lunch (sign up “Evangelism Prayer Group”)

x. 1:00 p.m. – sing songs

xi. 1:30 p.m. –Bible story [Pentecost?] sharing

xii. 1:50 p.m. – Charismatic prayer, lay hand over

xiii. 2:15 p.m. – closing testimony

xiv. 2:30 p.m. - closing songs and sign up “EPG”

xv. 2:35 P.M. – clean up

b. Event leaders

i. Welcoming / sign-in

ii. Lunch / snack / drinks

iii. Set-up and clean-up

iv. Decoration

v. Morning music

vi. Testimony

vii. Church tour slide show

viii. Choir

ix. Afternoon Charismatic prayer group

x. MC

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