Monday, August 4, 2008

Workshop for the improvement of communication skills in family/Li-Peng

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
I am pleased to inform you that the Faith Formation team and the Happy Family team will jointly host a workshop led by Sr. Helen Fu for the improvement of communication skills in our family. The topics, which cover all age groups, from young families to empty-nesters, should interest and benefit most of us.

主題: 家庭溝通

時間: 8/16/2008 9:00AM -Noon 家和萬事興, 下午; 座談會,問與答

地點: St. Clare Lower Church

主講: 傅世英修女(耶穌孝女會 )

請向陳慶文姐妹報名 午餐自費

費用: 自由奉獻

歡迎闔第光臨, 備有托兒服務

In Christ,

Li-peng Chou

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