Friday, August 15, 2008

Pray for the recovery of Joseph Lee's father/Li-Peng

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:

We need your special pray for Joseph Lee's father (in North Region Bible Study group), who is in critical condition now and is in the Intensive Care Unit of the San Jose Regional Hospital. Please pray for the recovery of his health and all needed supports to the family.

In Christ,
Li-peng Chou

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Sorry about the confusion! My mistake on the first name!
I gave "Joseph T.S. Lee" to Li-Peng for the broadcast. It should have been "T.S. Lee" and the Chinese name should be 李天祥 if your computer can decode Chinese font.

So please continue to pray for 李天祥's father (Joseph Lee's grandpa) for recovery. May Gos bless Lee's family!


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