Friday, May 16, 2008

Re: 為中國四川大地震受害和幸存者祈禱 Lend a hand to victims in China 5/12 earthquake

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I received the approval from San Jose Diocese to make the 2nd collection this Sunday.

The donations will be sent to Catholic Relief Services(天主教紓困中心). They will forward
it to Caritas Hong Kong. Here's the mailing address for Catholic Relief Services we will
use to send out your donations.

Catholic Relief Services
P.O. Box 17090
Baltimore, MD 21203-7090

Here are more news from Catholic Church and other religious organizations:
多個宗教團體組織捐款與祈福 2008年05月15日 06:24 星島日報 ( 本報記者施秋羽灣區報導 )


(Catholic Relief Services)統籌救災...

活動時間:5月24日下午3點,地址:耶穌聖名堂(Holy Name Of Jesus Church),
3240 Lawton St.,San Francisco, CA 94122。
We will start Novena (9-day) Prayer this Sunday for 9 days. Fr. Koo will lead us
the prayer after Sunday Mass. At the mean time, please pray for the victims and
their families. 為中國四川大地震受害和幸存者祈禱!

This Sunday there will be a Catholic Charity annual fund raising too but I don't think the two
conflict each other. Please do both as much as you can. May God bless your kind heart!

Lord Jesus, please help them and comfort them.


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today's Council Meeting decided to provide immediate help to China earthquake victims,
spiritually and materially. Here is our plan:

1. We will start Novena (9-day) Prayer this Sunday for 9 days. Fr. Koo will lead us
the prayer after Sunday Mass. At the mean time, please pray for the victims and
their families. 為中國四川大地震受害和幸存者祈禱!

2. We will submit application for second collection approval from Bishop McGrath of
Diocese of San Jose. We hope to widen this effort to all parishes to help victims.
I will update you when we have details.

Lord Jesus, please help them, be with them.
Lord Jesus, please help them to find more people alive.
Lord Jesus, please help the victims and their friends and family.
Lord Jesus, please bless the rescue efforts.

James Hua

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