Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Workshop for parents

Dear All,

This is a friendly reminder of the Workshop for parents on " Healthy Relationships with your teens". Please see the following info.

[Attachment(s) from Melanie Lin included below]

Hello Everyone,
Please be informed that next Saturday the 16th there is a free parenting seminar at St. Joseph.  The topic is "Healthy Relationships, Love & Sexuality".  This parents-only event is hosted by CCCSJ Youth Group and the St. Joseph Youth Group
Amy Sluss is a renowned Catholic educator who is also RN and a mom.  She will inform and enlighten parents on how to involve your kids in conversations on these topics.  And as we all know that having healthy relationships is so vital to the wellbeing of the teenage years and beyond. 
So, please grab all parents and grandparents you know -- family members, friends, co-workers and neighbors to come.  They will thank you for it.
Attached is the flier for the event.  Hope to see you there.
Time:  Saturday, Apr. 16th from 8 - 9:30 pm.  Light refreshments afterwards in the church hall.
Place:  St. Joseph Church
Lenten blessings,
CCCSJ Youth Group
Attachment(s) from Melanie Lin
1 of 1 File(s)

Lenten blessings,

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