Friday, January 8, 2010

January council meeting agenda

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
The January council meeting will be held on Jan. 14, Thursday, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at CM class room #5. A tentative agenda is given as follows:
1.  Planning for the Chinese New Year activities (Li-peng, Angie/Tien Chia, Chinese School, and Cantonese group) 
2.  Election committee for the new chair board (Advisory board) 
3.  Request for comments (Fr. Olivera): 
    a.  a secretarial position to support general community ministries 
    b.  Bereavement support ministry 
    c.  Our role in supporting the "station of cross" on Good Friday 
4.  Proposal to establish a Faith formation fund (Ana) 
5.  Bookmark distribution and monetary resources (Rae) 
6.  PR Banner on church wall (Irene) 
7.  SJCCC monthly current and future status (Jade Lin)

1.  Finance report for the month of December 2009 
In Christ,
SJCCC Chair Board

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