Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Invitation to a public hearing of community status and future directions/Li-Peng

Dear All,

Many people has shown their concerns about the current difficulties to the election of our chair board members. Many thoughts have been exchanged privately only among small groups. In order to have a better picture from the community as a whole, the council meeting decides to hold a public hearing for everybody to share their thoughts and suggestions. The meeting will be held on July 26, Thursday, from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM, at the North Hall, Saint Clare church. Attached is a proposed meeting proceeding. Since this is a semi-opened forum, please pre-register with me if you want to ensure a time slot for your chance to speak.

In Christ


很多人對目前主席團難以產生的狀況感到憂心,也不断的尋找原因和解決問 題的方法,只是所有的討論僅止於私人之間的交流,無法匯聚成團體的共識。做為一個成熟的團體,首要的就是有自我檢討的能力。為此,同工會一致同意有必要舉 行一次公聽會,瞭解教友們對此問題的看法,作為未來決策的依據。

會議進行的方式如下:首先我們將邀請六位,積極参預教會事工,有代表性的教友,每人以 5 分鐘的時間發表對下列問題的個人感受:

  1. 我對團體現況的看法為 ….
  2. 我認為問題出在 ….
  3. 我建議解決的方法可以是

之後,我們將開放講壇給在場的其他六位教友 ,對同樣的問題發表高見 。最後我 們再以40 分鐘的時間, 自由發言,聆聽所有的意見。

時 間 :7 月 26日 ,下 午 7:00 ~ 9:30;

地 點 :North Hall, Saint Clare Church.

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